我有一个csv数据库,我正在尝试"清理" (使用k-anonymity替换私人信息用*' s)。我试图选择一堆在多列中具有相同值的行。如果有足够的存在,我想改变那些行的列值。目前我有
subset= df.loc[(df['Gender'] == g) & (df['Date of birth'] == bd) & (df['Postal code'] == pc), :]
if subset.shape[0] < k :
subset['Date of birth'] = subset['Date of birth'].apply(lambda db: f(db))
> A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame. Try
> using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead
> See the caveats in the documentation:
> http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy
> subset['Date of birth'] = subset['Date of birth'].apply(lambda db:
> day_in_date_of_birth_with_stars(db))
num_with_all = df.loc[(df['Gender'] == g) & (df['Date of birth'] == bd) & (df['Postal code'] == pc)].shape[0]
if num_with_all < k:
df.ix[(df['Gender'] == g) & (df['Date of birth'] == bd) & (df['Postal code'] == pc), 'Date of birth'] = df.loc[(df['Gender'] == g) & (df['Date of birth'] == bd) & (df['Postal code'] == pc), 'Date of birth'].apply(lambda bd: f(bd))
Name Gender Date of birth Telephone Postal code Disease
0 ************* M 18-7-1981 ************ N2L 6B5 Avian Influenza
1 *********** F 28-11-1976 *********** N2L 4T6 Human Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS)
2 *************** F 4-3-1962 ************ N2L 1L9 Chlamydial infection
3 *************** F 10-8-1967 ************ N2L 4M5 Dandy fever
4 **************** F 19-3-1963 ************ N2L 2L1 Chlamydial infection
5 ************ F 2-2-1979 ************ N2L 5J1 Scarlet fever
6 *********** M 21-1-1985 *********** N2L 1S6 Scarlet fever
7 *********** M 7-6-1977 ************ N2L 2Q9 Chlamydia
8 *************** F 9-11-1987 ************ N2L 7H9 Chlamydia
9 ***************** M 7-7-1989 ************ N2L 3B1 SARS- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
10 *********** M 1-3-1969 ************ N2L 6N9 Malaria
11 ************** M 21-4-1990 ************ N2L 0B0 North American blastomycosis
12 *************** F 9-12-1964 ************ N2L 7F6 Chlamydia
13 ********** M 21-7-1960 ************ N2L 3P3 Chickenpox
14 ****************** F 11-10-1972 *********** N2L 6E4 Diphtheria
15 ************** M 25-12-1988 ************ N2L 1T4 SARS- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Name Gender Date of birth Telephone Postal code Disease
0 ************* M **-7-1981 ************ N2L 6B5 Avian Influenza
1 *********** F **-11-1976 *********** N2L 4T6 Human Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS)
2 *************** F *-3-1962 ************ N2L 1L9 Chlamydial infection
3 *************** F **-8-1967 ************ N2L 4M5 Dandy fever
4 **************** F 19-3-1963 ************ N2L 2L1 Chlamydial infection
5 ************ F 2-2-1979 ************ N2L 5J1 Scarlet fever
6 *********** M **-1-1985 *********** N2L 1S6 Scarlet fever
7 *********** M *-6-1977 ************ N2L 2Q9 Chlamydia
8 *************** F 9-11-1987 ************ N2L 7H9 Chlamydia
9 ***************** M *-7-1989 ************ N2L 3B1 SARS- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
10 *********** M 1-3-1969 ************ N2L 6N9 Malaria
11 ************** M 21-4-1990 ************ N2L 0B0 North American blastomycosis
12 *************** F *-12-1964 ************ N2L 7F6 Chlamydia
13 ********** M **-7-1960 ************ N2L 3P3 Chickenpox
14 ****************** F 11-10-1972 *********** N2L 6E4 Diphtheria
15 ************** M **-12-1988 ************ N2L 1T4 SARS- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
答案 0 :(得分:2)
df.loc [...] df.ix [...] = df.loc [...]。apply(lamda :)
循环100次 - 在0:00:02.225785中模拟1600条记录
The code in your Question
<强> LOC [...]适用。(LAMDA:系列)强>
循环100次 - 在0:00:00.757525
def f2(series):
df.loc[series.name, 'Date of birth'] = '**' + series['Date of birth'][2:]
return series
query_df = df.loc[(df['Gender'] == g) & (df['Date of birth'] == bd) & (df['Postal code'] == pc)]
if len(query_df) < k:
query_df.apply(lambda series: f2(series), axis=1)
loc [...]。循环索引
循环100次 - 在0:00:00.666067中模拟1600条记录
query_df = df.loc[(df['Gender'] == g) & (df['Date of birth'] == bd) & (df['Postal code'] == pc)]
if len(query_df) < k:
for idx in query_df.index:
df.loc[idx, 'Date of birth'] = '**' + df.loc[idx, 'Date of birth'][2:]
注意:我想知道if len(query_df) < k:
,这不是if len(query_df) >= k:
输出 :(使用您的数据)
我只显示前5条记录并仅更改记录== 1,因为我的查询条件是
'F','28 -11-1976','N2L 4T6'
Name Gender Date of birth Telephone Postal code
0 ************* M 18-7-1981 ************ N2L 6B5
1 *********** F **-11-1976 *********** N2L 4T6
2 *************** F 4-3-1962 ************ N2L 1L9
3 *************** F 10-8-1967 ************ N2L 4M5
4 **************** F 19-3-1963 ************ N2L 2L1
使用Python测试:3.4.2 - pandas:0.19.2