
时间:2017-03-12 01:09:24

标签: java if-statement while-loop


 import java.io.*;

 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Random;
 import java.util.Scanner; 
 import java.io.InputStreamReader;

public class SkillsDemo31 {
private static boolean again = true;
private static int action;

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {


    class User {
        User (String username, String password)
            this.username = username;
            this.password = password;

        String GetUsername() {return username;}
        String GetPassword() {return password;}

        private String username;
        private String password;

    String greeting = "Hello";
    String username;
    String password;

    // Used to hold the instance of a user who successfully logged in
    User loggedInUser = null;

    // Create an empty list to hold users
    List<User> listOfUsers = new ArrayList<>();

    // Add 3 users to the list
    listOfUsers.add(new User("Gerry","spintown"));
    listOfUsers.add(new User("Evelyn","poker"));
    listOfUsers.add(new User("Joan","bonus"));

    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
            new InputStreamReader(System.in));

    System.out.println("*** Welcome to the program ***\n");

    System.out.println("Please type your username :");
    username = br.readLine();
    System.out.println("Please type your password :");
    password = br.readLine();

    for (User user : listOfUsers)
        if (user.GetUsername().equals(username))
            if (user.GetPassword().equals(password))
                loggedInUser = user;
                // when a user is found, "break" stops iterating through the list

    // if loggedInUser was changed from null, it was successful
    if (loggedInUser != null)
        System.out.println("User successfully logged in: "+loggedInUser.GetUsername());
        System.out.println("Invalid username/password combination");

    //Choice of Games
    again = true;
    action = 0;

    while (again)
        System.out.println("Please type 1 for Rock, Paper, Scissors or 2 for Play pick up sticks:");
        action = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
        if (action == 1)
            System.out.println("\nYou have chosen to play Rock, Paper, Scissors");
        else if (action == 2)
            System.out.println("\nYou have chosen to Play pick up sticks");
            again = false;


            Random rnd = new Random();
            int input;
            int score = 0;
            int B = 1;

            System.out.println("Pick 1,2, or 3 for:");
            System.out.println("Rock (1), Paper(2), or Scissors (3)");
            while (B != 0) {
                // 1 = rock
                // 2 = paper
                // 3 = scissors
                // N= Integer.parseInt(br.readLine())
                int Rock = 1, Paper = 2, Scissor = 3;

                input = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
                int randomNumber = rnd.nextInt(3 - 1 + 1) + 1;
                if (randomNumber == Rock) {
                    if (input == Rock) {
                        System.out.println("Rock Vs. Rock: Tie");
                    } else if (input == Paper) {
                        System.out.println("Paper Vs. Rock: You Win!");
                    } else if (input == Scissor) {
                        System.out.println("Scissors Vs. Rock: You Lose");
                } else if (randomNumber == Paper) {
                    if (input == Rock) {
                        System.out.println("Rock Vs. Paper: You Loose");
                    } else if (input == Paper) {
                        System.out.println("Paper Vs. Paper: Tie");
                    } else if (input == Scissor) {
                        System.out.println("Scissors Vs. Paper: You Win");

                } else if (randomNumber == Scissor) {
                    if (input == Rock) {
                        System.out.println("Rock Vs. Scissors: You Win");
                    } else if (input == Paper) {
                        System.out.println("Paper Vs. Scissors: You Loose");
                    } else if (input == Scissor) {
                        System.out.println("Scissors Vs. Scissors: Tie");


        int Y=5, N=10;
        System.out.println("Your score is "+ score);
            System.out.println("Do you want to play again? Press(5) For Yes/(10) For No");
        input = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
          System.out.println("Rock, Paper,Scissors");
        else if(input==N)
            System.out.println("Have A Good Day!");

        //Pick Up Sticks

       Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);

        while (true) {

            int numSticks = 21;
             System.out.println("Would You Like to go first? (Yes/No)");
             Scanner input1 = new Scanner(System.in);
             String goFirst = input1.nextLine();
             Scanner take = new Scanner (System.in);
             int numToTake = 0;
             int score2 = 0;

             while (numSticks > 0) {

               if (goFirst.equals("Yes") || goFirst.equals("yes")) {
                 System.out.println("There are " + numSticks + " sticks ");
                 System.out.println("How many sticks do you want to take (1 or 2)");
                 numToTake = take.nextInt();

                 if (numToTake > 2) {
                   numToTake = 2;


                 else if (numToTake < 1) {
                   numToTake = 1;
                 numSticks = numSticks - numToTake;

                 if (numSticks <= 0) {
                   System.out.println("You lose");
                   System.out.println("Your score is " + score );
                 else {

                   if((numSticks - 2) % 3 == 0 || numSticks - 2 == 0) {
                     numToTake = 1;
                   else {
                     numToTake = 2;
                   System.out.println("Computer takes " + numToTake + " sticks " );
                   numSticks = numSticks - numToTake;

                   if (numSticks <= 0) {
                     System.out.println(" You win ");
                     System.out.println("Your score is " + score );

              else {
                     if((numSticks - 2) % 3 == 0 || numSticks - 2 == 0) {
                     numToTake = 1;
                   else {
                     numToTake = 2;
                   System.out.println("Computer takes " + numToTake + " sticks " );
                   numSticks = numSticks - numToTake;

                   if (numSticks <= 0) {
                     System.out.println("You win");
                     System.out.println("Your score is " + score );
                   else {
                       System.out.println("There are " + numSticks + " sticks ");
                       System.out.println("How many sticks do you want to take (1 or 2)");
                       numToTake = take.nextInt();

                       if (numToTake > 2) {
                           numToTake = 2;
                       else if (numToTake < 1){
                           numToTake = 1;
                       numSticks = numSticks - numToTake;

                       if(numSticks <0){
                           System.out.println("You win");





           System.out.println("Do you want to play again, type (5) for yes or (10) for no");

              if (scanner.nextLine().equals("10")) {

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




  1. 中取出游戏代码部分

    而(再次){   //在此块中,仅保留您的用户选择代码。 } 块。该块仅供用户选择。

  2. 在该选择块之后,您就可以获得用户&#39;从变量&#34; action&#34;中选择。现在你只需要添加一个if块,如下所示:

    if(action == 1){   //将你的Rock,Paper,Scissors游戏代码放在这里,用户选择1   // ************   //剪刀石头布   // **************   ... } else if(action == 2){   //在此处输入您的Pick Up Sticks游戏代码,用户选择2。   // ***********************   //捡起棍棒   // ***********************   ... }

  3. 由于你只想一次运行一个游戏,你需要一个&#34; IF&#34;条件告诉代码运行哪个游戏。 所以只是&#34; IF&#34;已经足够了,但分离了&#34; Choice&#34;部分和&#34;游戏&#34;从我的观点来看,这将使代码更简单,更易于理解。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


            System.out.println("Please type 1 for game 1 or 2 for game2:");
            action = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
            if (action == 1)
                System.out.println("\nYou have chosen to game 1");
                Game1 game1 = new Game1();
            else if (action == 2)
                System.out.println("\nYou have chosen game 2");
                Game2 game2 = new Game2();
