闪亮 - 基于用户输入的图形变化

时间:2017-03-11 23:21:42

标签: variables shiny interactive linegraph


> linegraphdata
   Year   E_coli Rain_Intensity Water_Temperature Dew_Point  Humidity Wind_Speed Barometric_Pressure Visibility Cloud_Cover
1  2006 181.4173    0.004077910          79.51720  60.08460 0.6747836   8.092537            1015.748   9.108940   0.5146045
2  2007 212.3498    0.005503364          80.36213  60.06608 0.6597432   6.074101            1015.417   9.173431   0.5019472
3  2008 127.0755    0.003195506          77.77268  58.15240 0.6559700   7.855993            1014.482   9.590509   0.5037079
4  2009 151.2129    0.004728056          74.56725  55.57986 0.6704676   6.278484            1014.511   9.389780   0.5461991
5  2010 142.9604    0.005628907          80.73180  61.37344 0.6662863   6.263983            1014.919   9.536397   0.4672130
6  2011 121.5559    0.005370608          79.44271  60.18298 0.6682699   6.879726            1013.199   9.467782   0.4891249
7  2012 126.4385    0.002568511          80.99142  57.04450 0.5765744   7.416897            1014.416   9.767905   0.3841238
8  2013 142.2380    0.004249872          76.72413  58.13510 0.6703193   7.058155            1015.610   9.451731   0.4211622
9  2014 139.4780    0.006628609          74.93213  58.53608 0.7117897   6.342423            1014.847   9.318628   0.3082917
10 2015 127.3011    0.004109462          75.38712  58.15503 0.7069821   7.058145            1014.534   9.378120   0.3086044
11 2016 123.7218    0.003886790          80.46863  63.90303 0.7176918   6.508438            1014.887   9.648991   0.2763920

问题是,Shiny正在将输入$ predictor置于面值,只是绘制变量名称而不是附加到该变量名称的值列表。它无法识别所选变量名称与包含值的数据框相关联。


这就是应用在运行时的样子: Static image of app



linegraphdata = read.csv("linegraphdata.csv")

predictor_options <-

ui <- fluidPage(fluidRow(
  column(12, offset = 0, tags$h1("Pick a Predictor:")),
    offset = 0,
      "Which elements of the environment trend with ",
      tags$i("E. coli"),
      " levels? Look for
      the predictor whose line graph peaks and valleys with the average",
      tags$i("E. coli"),
      "levels. "
  column(4, offset = 0,
         ########################## HERE IS RELEVANT CODE:
           selectInput("predictor", "Select a Predictor", choices = predictor_options)

server <- function(input, output) {
  observeEvent(input$predictor, {
    plot1 <-
      ggplot(data = linegraphdata, aes(x = Year, y = E_coli)) + geom_line() + theme_bw()
    ########################## HERE IS RELEVANT CODE:
    plot2 <-
      ggplot(data = linegraphdata, aes(x = Year, y = input$predictor)) + geom_line() + theme_bw()
    output$graph3 <- renderPlot({
      grid.arrange(plot1, plot2, ncol = 1)

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


server <- function(input, output) {

  data <- reactive({
if ( "Rain_Intensity" %in% input$predictor) return(linegraphdata$Rain_Intensity)
if ( "Water_Temperature" %in% input$predictor) return(linegraphdata$Water_Temperature)
if ( "Dew_Point" %in% input$predictor) return(linegraphdata$Dew_Point)
if ( "Humidity" %in% input$predictor) return(linegraphdata$Humidity)
if ( "Wind_Speed" %in% input$predictor) return(linegraphdata$Wind_Speed)
if ( "Barometric_Pressure" %in% input$predictor) return(linegraphdata$Barometric_Pressure)
if ( "Visibility" %in% input$predictor) return(linegraphdata$Visibility)
if ( "Cloud_Cover" %in% input$predictor) return(linegraphdata$Cloud_Cover)

plot1 <- ggplot(data= linegraphdata, aes(x=Year, y=E_coli)) + geom_line() + theme_bw()
plot2 <- ggplot(data = linegraphdata, aes(x=Year, y=data())) + geom_line() + theme_bw()
output$graph3 <- renderPlot({grid.arrange(plot1, plot2, ncol=1)})


答案 1 :(得分:0)

如果您的input$predictor完全linegraphdata data.frame的列名相匹配,您还可以使用ggplot中的aes_string(以使用字符串或引用用于定义美学映射的名称/调用):

plot2 <- ggplot(data = linegraphdata, aes_string(x = "Year", y = input$predictor)) + geom_line() + theme_bw()
