
时间:2017-03-10 19:22:37

标签: python list loops

我是Python新手,正如您所看到的,我正在尝试研究对象编程。 在下一个代码中,我试图模拟运输物品的卡车:每件物品都有标识符和重量。轨道具有最大重量容量。看看下面的代码,我会告诉你这个问题。

class Item():
    Class Item models an object transported in a supply chain
    def __init__(self, id, weight):
        Constructor of an object of class Item
        :param id: Unique identifier of the Item
        :param weight: the weight of the Item, expressed in Kg

        self.id = id
        self.weight = weight

class Truck():
    Class Truck models a truck transporting Items

    def __init__(self, plate_number, capacity):
        Constructor of an object of class Truck
        :param plate_number: Unique identifier of the Truck
        :param capacity: maximum weight transportable by the Truck
        self.plate_number = plate_number
        self.capacity = capacity
        self.remaining_capacity = capacity

    def load(self, items):
        This method allows to load a list of items into a truck if their
        total weight is less that or equal to the remaining capacity of the truck.
        If this is case, True is returned. Otherwise False is returned
        :param items:

        total_load = 0
        for item in items:
            total_load += item.weight

            if total_load > self.remaining_capacity:
            print('out of range')
            return False
            for item in items:
                self.remaining_capacity = self.remaining_capacity - item.weight
            return True

    a = Item('AAA01', 10)
    b = Item('BBB01', 20)
    c = Item('CCC01', 30)

    truck_a = Truck('LE000A', 35)
    truck_a.load([a, b])

    print('Remaining capcity of Truck ', truck_a.plate_number, ' is ',truck_a.remaining_capacity)


修改 使用下一个代码似乎可行,而不更改 items.append(item) 语句

class Item():
Class Item models an object transported in a supply chain
def __init__(self, id, weight):
    Constructor of an object of class Item
    :param id: a unique code associated to the item
    :param weight: the weight of the item expressed in kg
    self.id = id
    self.weight = weight
class Truck():
This class models a truck
def __init__(self, plate_number, capacity, items):
    Clonstructor of an object of class Truck
    :param plate_number: a unique number Identifying the truck
    :param capacity: maximum weight that the truck can carry
    :param items: list of objects of class Item carried by the truck
    self.plate_number = plate_number
    self.capacity = capacity
    self.items = list(items)
    self.remaining_capacity = capacity
    for item in self.items:
            self.remaining_capacity = self.remaining_capacity - item.weight

def load(self, items):
    This method allows to load a list of items into a truck if their
    total weight is less that or equal to the remaining capacity of the truck.
    If this is case, True is returned. Otherwise False is returned
    :param items:
    total_load = 0
    for item in items:
        total_load = item.weight
    if total_load > self.remaining_capacity:
        return False
        for item in items:
            self.remaining_capacity = self.remaining_capacity - item.weight
            return True

a = Item('AAA01', 10)
b = Item('BBB01', 20)
c = Item('CCC01', 30)

truck_a = Truck('LE000A', 35, [a])

print('Remaining capacity of Truck ', truck_a.plate_number, ' is ', truck_a.remaining_capacity)

正如您所看到的,EDIT代码的主要区别在于class Truck有一个构造函数,它将items作为参数并使用self.items = list(items)对其进行“复制”。我不知道为什么最后一个代码一直在工作

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


def __init__(self, plate_number, capacity):
    self.items = []  # Items on the truck


    for item in items:
        self.remaining_capacity = self.remaining_capacity - item.weight
    return True


def attributes(obj):
    return [s for s in dir(obj) if s[0] != '_']

print attributes(truck_a)


def load(self, items_to_load):
    for item_to_load in items_to_load:

答案 1 :(得分:1)

正如前面的评论和回答中所提到的,您将迭代列表中每次迭代添加项目的项目,从而生成无限循环。如上所述,items += items将适用于此案例。但是,您面临的一般问题是如何在迭代它们时更改列表中的项目。最好的方法是迭代列表的副本,如下所示:

>>> items = [1, 2, 3]
>>> for item in items[:]:

>>> items
[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]


答案 2 :(得分:0)

你的 for 循环会改变相反,尝试这个:列表,当它在列表中迭代时。你永远无法达到目的,因为你在工作的同时不断扩展它。您要对列表进行什么操作?如果你想要的只是一个元素加倍的列表,你可以使用

items += items


items = ["hello", 17, True]

for item in items:
    print items


['hello', 17, True, 'hello']
['hello', 17, True, 'hello', 17]
['hello', 17, True, 'hello', 17, True]
['hello', 17, True, 'hello', 17, True, 'hello']
['hello', 17, True, 'hello', 17, True, 'hello', 17]
['hello', 17, True, 'hello', 17, True, 'hello', 17, True]