
时间:2017-03-10 11:52:37

标签: sql postgresql


为每个用户显示一个查询(type = a): 最后一个积极的(成功的)"请求" (request_id,creation_date,amount), 总和"金额"所有失败的"请求", 正面和负面请求的比率。

给出两个表:   user_account - 包含用户列的唯一帐户:account_id(类型:int8,键列,IS_NULLABLE:NO),creation_date(类型:timestamp),account_type(类型:varchar,可能值:{a, b})
请求 - 包含每个请求:request_id(int8,key列,IS_NULLABLE:NO)creation_date(timestamp),account_id(int8),amount(float8),type(类型:varchar,可能值{positiv,否定})


SELECT request.request_id,
request.creation_date, request.amount 
From user_account
INNER JOIN request ON (user_account.account_id = request.account_id)
Where request.type = POSITIV AND account_type = a;
SELECT sum(request.amount) as failed_amount
From user_account
INNER JOIN request ON (user_account.account_id = request.account_id)
Where request.type = NEGATIV AND account_type = a;            
  1. 如果这是正确的,我如何将它们加入一个查询? (我读过子查询并将第二个select语句放在WHERE子句中?)
  2. 对于比率我猜,我必须计算()正面和负面的请求并将它们分开,但老实说,我不知道如何在这种情况下实现它。
  3. 如果有人能给我一个简短的演练,我会非常高兴和感激。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

tl; dr 最后的代码块应该给你想要的东西,稍加一些改动,使它在postgre中工作








+ ---------- + ------------- + ------------ +
| account_id | creation_date | account_type | 
+ ---------- + ------------- + ------------ +
| 1          | 2016-02-14    | B            |
| 2          | 2016-02-14    | A            |
| 3          | 2016-04-06    | B            |
| 4          | 2016-04-29    | B            |
| 5          | 2016-09-03    | A            |
+ ---------- + ------------- + ------------ +

+ ---------- + ------------- + ---------- + ------- + ------------ +
| request_id | creation_date | account_id | amount  | request_type | 
+ ---------- + ------------- + ---------- + ------- + ------------ +
| 1          | 2016-03-08    | 1          | 4308.02 | positiv      |
| 2          | 2016-04-08    | 1          | 1718.56 | negativ      |
| 3          | 2016-03-11    | 2          | 911.50  | positiv      |
| 4          | 2016-03-12    | 2          | 38.42   | negativ      |
| 5          | 2016-03-12    | 2          | 110.12  | positiv      |
| 6          | 2016-05-08    | 3          | 1843.19 | positiv      |
| 7          | 2016-09-12    | 4          | 7234.11 | negativ      |
| 8          | 2016-10-12    | 4          | 515.51  | negativ      |
| 9          | 2016-10-12    | 5          | 0.01    | positiv      |
| 10         | 2016-10-18    | 5          | 13.02   | positiv      |
+ ---------- + ------------- + ---------- + ------- + ------------ +

我将使用table aliasing,并且我已将请求表中的类型字段重命名为request_type。哦,还有一件事:这是用SQL Server编写的,但它只适用于postgre,只需稍作修改:)


select *
    from #user_account u
    inner join #request r on r.account_id = u.account_id
    where u.account_type = 'A'


+ ---------- + ------------- + ------------ + ---------- + ------------- + ------ + ------------ +
| account_id | creation_date | account_type | request_id | creation_date | amount | request_type |
+ ---------- + ------------- + ------------ + ---------- + ------------- + ------ + ------------ +
| 2          | 2016-02-14    | A            | 3          | 2016-03-11    | 911.5  | positiv      |
| 2          | 2016-02-14    | A            | 4          | 2016-03-12    | 38.42  | negativ      |
| 2          | 2016-02-14    | A            | 5          | 2016-03-12    | 110.12 | positiv      |
| 5          | 2016-09-03    | A            | 9          | 2016-10-12    | 0.01   | positiv      |
| 5          | 2016-09-03    | A            | 10         | 2016-10-18    | 13.02  | positiv      |
+ ---------- + ------------- + ------------ + ---------- + ------------- + ------ + ------------ +


要理解相关子查询,我们假设我有上表表和变量@account_id = 2。通过查看参考表,我们可以看到对于帐户2,我们想要选择reference_id 5,因为它是最新的positiv请求。以下查询为我们提供了

select top 1 request_id
    from #request
    where account_id = @account_id
        and request_type = 'positiv'
        order by creation_date desc


select    u.account_id
        , r.request_id
        , r.creation_date
        , r.amount
    from #user_account u
    inner join #request r on r.account_id = u.account_id
    where u.account_type = 'A'
        and r.request_id = (
            select top 1 request_id
                from #request
                where account_id = u.account_id -- correlate to the reference table
                    and request_type = 'positiv'
                order by creation_date desc


+ ---------- + ---------- + ------------- + ------ +
| account_id | request_id | creation_date | amount |
+ ---------- + ---------- + ------------- + ------ +
| 2          | 5          | 2016-03-12    | 110.12 |
| 5          | 10         | 2016-10-18    | 13.02  |
+ ---------- + ---------- + ------------- + ------ +



select    u.account_id
        , r.request_id
        , r.creation_date
        , r.amount
        , ( select isnull(SUM(amount),0) -- replaces a null value with 0
                from #request
                    where account_id = u.account_id
                    and request_type = 'negativ' ) as SumOfFailed
    from ... -- same as above


+ ---------- + ---------- + ------------- + ------ + ----------- +
| account_id | request_id | creation_date | amount | SumOfFailed |
+ ---------- + ---------- + ------------- + ------ + ----------- +
| 2          | 5          | 2016-03-12    | 110.12 | 38.42       |
| 5          | 10         | 2016-10-18    | 13.02  | 0           |
+ ---------- + ---------- + ------------- + ------ + ----------- +



select    u.account_id
        , r.request_id
        , r.creation_date
        , r.amount
        , (...) as SumOfFailed -- same as above
        , cast(( -- convert integer to float
            select COUNT(*)
                from #request
                where account_id = u.account_id
                    and request_type = 'positiv'
            ) as float)
            / nullif( -- if divisor is zero, return null
                select COUNT(*)
                    from #request
                    where account_id = u.account_id
                        and request_type = 'negativ'
            ) as float), 0) as Ratio
    from ... -- same as above


+ ---------- + ---------- + ------------- + ------ + ----------- + ----- +
| account_id | request_id | creation_date | amount | SumOfFailed | Ratio |
+ ---------- + ---------- + ------------- + ------ + ----------- + ----- +
| 2          | 5          | 2016-03-12    | 110.12 | 38.42       | 2     |
| 5          | 10         | 2016-10-18    | 13.02  | 0           | Null  |
+ ---------- + ---------- + ------------- + ------ + ----------- + ----- +



select u.account_id
        , request_id
        , r.creation_date
        , r.amount
        , ( select isnull(SUM(amount),0) -- replaces a null value with 0
                from #request
                    where account_id = u.account_id
                        and request_type = 'negativ' ) as SumOfFailed
        , cast((
            select COUNT(*)
                from #request
                where account_id = u.account_id
                    and request_type = 'positiv'
            ) as float)
            / nullif(
                select COUNT(*)
                    from #request
                        where account_id = u.account_id
                            and request_type = 'negativ'
            ) as float),0) as Ratio
    from #user_account u
    inner join #request r on r.account_id = u.account_id
    where u.account_type = 'A'
        and r.request_id = (
            select top 1 request_id
                from #request r_sq
                where r_sq.account_id = u.account_id
                    and r_sq.request_type = 'positiv'
                order by creation_date desc
