iOS发布 - Ionic 2

时间:2017-03-09 16:38:24

标签: ios xcode ionic-framework ionic2 publishing

关于发布我的离子项目,我跟着this guide

Ionic 1的内容发生了一些变化,特别是在Apple Developer Program的门户网站中,但是使用了一些逻辑,步骤几乎相同所以我设法继续,直到我必须去的地方#39; Product > Archive&#39 ;. 现在,这是我第一次在iOS上工作,而且我被困在这里。 一旦我点击了“存档”#39;构建失败,我在图像中显示3个错误:

enter image description here

1。 Failed to create provisioning profile. There are no devices registered in your account on the developer website. Plug in and select a device to have Xcode register it.


2。 No profiles for '' were found: Xcode couldn't find a provisioning profile matching ''.

3。 Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.2'.


enter image description here

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