xlsx R包覆盖以前的格式

时间:2017-03-09 15:43:16

标签: r excel xlsx

我正在使用$full_array = session('products'); $stores = session('stores'); for($i=0; $i<=count($stores); $i++) { foreach($full_array as $arr) { //dd($stores[$i]); //dd($arr['store']); if($arr['store'] === $stores[$i]) { session()->push($stores[$i], $arr['product']); } } } 包创建一个复杂格式的Excel工作表。

问题是当我已经格式化了一个单元格并希望在其上添加一些内容时 - 格式化将恢复为默认值,除了我要添加的新内容。




Undefined offset: 4


enter image description here

聚苯乙烯。我尝试过其他套餐,但想坚持使用xlsxrequire(xlsx) # Some random data n <- 20L set.seed(1L) df <- data.frame(species = sample(c("Cat", "Dog", "Unkown"), n, replace = TRUE), speed = abs(rnorm(n)) * 20L) # Create workbook dfwb <- createWorkbook(type = "xlsx") sheet <- createSheet(dfwb, sheetName = "ani") addDataFrame(df, sheet, startRow = 1, startColumn = 1, row.names = FALSE) # Change text of Cat to "red" row <- getRows(sheet, rowIndex = which(df[, "species"] == "Cat") + 1L) cel <- getCells(row, colIndex = 1) redh_style <- CellStyle(dfwb) + Font(dfwb, color = "red") for (i in names(cel)) { setCellStyle(cel[[i]], redh_style) } # Highlight all rows where speed exceeds 18 row <- getRows(sheet, rowIndex = which(df[, "speed"] > 18) + 1L) cel <- getCells(row, colIndex = 1:2) high_style <- CellStyle(dfwb) + Fill(foregroundColor="#E2E6EB") for (i in names(cel)) { setCellStyle(cel[[i]], high_style) } # Save setwd("c:/temp/csvm/") saveWorkbook(dfwb, "so_cat.xlsx") 不允许直接从R进行某种格式化,并且在xlsx运行时遇到技术问题。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



# Set up blank list of formats
fmts <- list()


# Change text of Cat to "red"
row <- getRows(sheet, rowIndex = which(df[, "species"] == "Cat")  + 1L)
cel <- getCells(row, colIndex = 1)

for (i in names(cel)) {
  if (i %in% names(fmts)) {
    fmts[[i]] <- c(fmts[[i]], list(Font(dfwb, color = "red")))
  } else {
    fmts[[i]] <- list(CellStyle(dfwb), Font(dfwb, color = "red"))


# Highlight all rows where speed exceeds 18
row <- getRows(sheet, rowIndex = which(df[, "speed"] > 18)  + 1L)
cel <- getCells(row, colIndex = 1:2)

for (i in names(cel)) {
  if (i %in% names(fmts)) {
    fmts[[i]] <- c(fmts[[i]], list(Fill(foregroundColor="#E2E6EB")))
  } else {
    fmts[[i]] <- list(CellStyle(dfwb), Fill(foregroundColor="#E2E6EB"))

当我们检查fmts时,我们注意到一些元素只有两个项目(基本单元格样式,加上字体或背景),而其他元素有三个(基本单元格样式,字体和背景) ):

str(fmts, m = 1)
# List of 16
#  $ 2.1 :List of 3
#  $ 6.1 :List of 3
#  $ 11.1:List of 2
#  $ 12.1:List of 3
#  $ 13.1:List of 2
#  $ 2.2 :List of 2
#  $ 5.1 :List of 2
#  $ 5.2 :List of 2
#  $ 6.2 :List of 2
#  $ 9.1 :List of 2
#  $ 9.2 :List of 2
#  $ 12.2:List of 2
#  $ 15.1:List of 2
#  $ 15.2:List of 2
#  $ 19.1:List of 2
#  $ 19.2:List of 2

最后,我们遍历fmts并应用样式。 Reduce函数非常有用:

# Apply formatting
for (i in names(fmts)) {
  idx <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(i, "\\.")))
  cel <- getCells(getRows(sheet, rowIndex = idx[1]), colIndex = idx[2])
    Reduce(`+.CellStyle`, fmts[[i]])


enter image description here