Tcl [regexp]:表达式匹配if内部变量的块

时间:2017-03-09 07:35:25

标签: regex tcl tclsh


我有一个 new.tcl 文件,如下所示:

if { [info exists var1] } {
  if { "$var1" == "val1" } {
    puts "var1 has value as val1"
} else {
  puts "var1 does not exists"



set valueDict [list 'var1' 'val1']
set valDictLen [llength $valueDict]
set myFilePtr [open "new.tcl" "r"]
set myFileContent [read $myFilePtr]
close $myFilePtr

for { set index 0 } { $index < $valDictLen } { incr index 2 } {
  set currVar [lindex $valueDict $index]
  set currVal [lindex $valueDict [expr $index + 1]]

  # I actually want to match the entire if block content here
  if { ![regexp "if \{ \[info exists $currVal\] \}" $myFileContent] } {
    puts "Code not present"

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:-1)


if { ![regexp "if *{ *[info exists $currVal] *}" $myFileContent] } {
    puts "Code not present"


答案 1 :(得分:-1)

SBORDOLO-M-V1VG:Downloads sbordolo$ cat t3

set var1 "value"
set currVal "var1"
#set myFileContent "\[info exists var1\]"
set myFileContent {[info exists var1]}

if { ![regexp "[info exists $currVal]" $myFileContent] } {
    puts "Code not present"
} else {
    puts "Code present"
SBORDOLO-M-V1VG:Downloads sbordolo$ 
SBORDOLO-M-V1VG:Downloads sbordolo$ tclsh t3
Code present
SBORDOLO-M-V1VG:Downloads sbordolo$