如何使用换行符显示单个Tkinter Listbox元素?

时间:2017-03-08 22:52:38

标签: python string user-interface tkinter listbox



    # Here are four elements for the selector Listbox..
lb_items = ('mama', 'luigi', 'my birds', \
            'this is a single element\n spanning two lines!')
    # This generates and displays the selector window..
tk_selector = SingleSelect(lb_items, "TEST SELECTOR")


n.b.: this is just a mockup


you can't see it, but that's all one line.





2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


答案 1 :(得分:2)


我的解决方案是解析每个&#39; raw&#39;在将它们插入Listbox之前使用字符串,使用splitlines将字符串分成单独的行,记录行数和列表框元素卷中的哪些索引对应于哪个未完整的输入字符串,然后每当列表框的选择使用Listbox.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', self._reselection_fxn)更改时选择所有部分。

class Multiline_Single_Selector(object):
      ## Go ahead and choose a better class name than this, too. :/
    def __init__(self, itemlist, ..):
              # ..
        lb_splitlines = self._parse_strings(itemlist) 
          # ^ splits the raw strings and records their indices.
          #  returns the split strings as a list of Listbox elements.
        self.my_Listbox.insert(0, *lb_splitlines) 
          # ^ put the converted strings into the Listbox..

        self.my_Listbox.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', self._reselect)
          # ^ Whenever the Listbox selection is modifed, it triggers the
          #  <<ListboxSelect>> event. Bind _reselect to it to determine
          #  which lines ought to be highlighted when the selection updates.
              # ..

    def _parse_strings(self, string_list):
        '''Accepts a list of strings and breaks each string into a series of lines,
logs the sets, and stores them in the item_roster and string_register attributes.
Returns the split strings to be inserted into a Listbox.'''

        self.index_sets = index_sets = []
          # ^ Each element in this list is a tuple containing the first and last
          #  Listbox element indices for a set of lines. 

        self.string_register = register = {}
          # ^ A dict with a whole string element keyed to the index of the its
          #  first element in the Listbox.

        all_lines = [] 
          # ^ A list of every Listbox element. When a string is broken into lines,
          #  the lines go in here.

        line_number = 0
        for item in string_list: 
            lines = item.splitlines()

            all_lines.extend(lines) # add the divided string to the string stack
            register[line_number] = item
                # ^ Saves this item keyed to the first Listbox element it's associated
                #  with. If the item is selected when the Listbox closes, the original 
                #  (whole) string is found and returned based on this index number.

            qty = len(lines)
            if qty == 1: # single line item..
                index_sets.append((line_number, line_number))
            else: # multiple lines in this item..
                element_range = line_number, line_number + qty - 1 
                  # ^ the range of Listbox indices..
                index_sets.extend([element_range] * qty) 
                  # ^ ..one for each element in the Listbox.

            line_number += qty # increment the line number.
        return all_lines

    def _reselect(self, event=None):
        "Called whenever the Listbox's selection changes."
        selection = self.my_Listbox.curselection() # Get the new selection data.
        if not selection: # if there is nothing selected, do nothing.

        lines_st, lines_ed = self.index_sets[selection[0]]
            # ^ Get the string block associated with the current selection.
        self.my_Listbox.selection_set(lines_st, lines_ed) 
            # ^ select all lines associated with the original string.

    def _recall(self, event=None):
        "Get the complete string for the currently selected item."
        selection = self.my_Listbox.curselection()
        if selection: # an item is selected!
            return self.string_register[selection[0]]
        return None   # no item is selected.

如果您调整此代码以匹配您自己的代码并将其放入现有的列表框设置中,则应该让您模拟回车。它与\n中的原生换行或Listbox - 解析函数不同,但它的作用基本相同。

