问了一个similar question here,我收到了容器盒的满意答案,但随着它变得越来越小,正如你所看到的那样,每个按钮仍然作为容器跳转到新行"收缩"被另一个人取代。
你可以看到旧的" divs"打破排名,而输入似乎并不那么关心。
void destroyTree(Node *cur_node) {
if (cur_node!=NULL) {
// explore and delete on left
destroyTree(cur_node->left); // recursive-call
// explore and delete on right
destroyTree(cur_node->right); // recursive-call
// delete each node
delete cur_node;
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这是我从this answer获得的滑块:
if (!window.animating && window.step < window.MAXSTEP) {
window.animating = true;
// Necessary for smooth transition; needs work
$('.step-' + window.step).css('float', 'left')
$('.step-' + window.step).css('width', '310px')
$('.step-' + window.step).css('overflow', 'hidden')
$('.step-' + (window.step + 1)).css('float', 'right')
// Start decreasing font size
$('.step-' + window.step).find('.box-header').animate({
'font-size': '9px'
}, sliderSpeedUp, function() {})
// Undo the changes please. For some reason you have to use animate. If you can figure out why,
// tell me because I have no f clue
$($('.step-' + window.step).find('.box-header')[0]).animate({ 'font-size': '23px', 'color': 'maroon' }, 250, function() {})
// Slide boxes
$('.step-' + window.step).slideLeftHide(sliderSpeedUp, function() {
// Buttons
window.animating = false;
$('.step-' + (window.step + 1)).slideLeftShow(sliderSpeedDown, function() {
// Buttons
setTimeout(function() {
window.animating = false;
}, 250);