
时间:2017-03-07 20:49:19

标签: mysql sql


|   id  | start | end |
| xz132 | 2     | 5   |
| fd754 | 9     | 12  |
| sb825 | 16    | 23  |





4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


select @end+1 start, start-1 end
from   (select * from ranges order by start) as base,
       (select @gap := 3, @end := 0) as init
where  if(@gap < start - @end, 1, if(@end := end, 0, 0))
limit  1;


对于@gap := 1,它返回(1,1)
对于@gap := 3,它返回(6,8)
对于@gap := 4,它不返回任何数据

答案 1 :(得分:0)

SELECT * FROM t WHERE (t.end+1)-t.start >= gap LIMIT 1;


t 是您的表格的名称



LIMIT 1会为您提供第一个结果。


答案 2 :(得分:0)

考虑到ID可能不连续的事实;我需要一个技巧来允许在第一个记录之前进行搜索,这就是为什么我&#34;插入&#34;在飞行中虚拟伪零记录。当然,只要class FrameBuffer(object): # ... omitted for brevity @to_texture def draw_circle(self, x, y, r, color, opacity=1.0, fill=True, aa=False, penwidth=1): # Make sure all spatial parameters are ints x, y, r = int(x), int(y), int(r) # convert color parameter to sdl2 understandable values color = sdl2.ext.convert_to_color(color) # convert possible opacity values to the right scale opacity = self.opacity(opacity) # Check for invalid penwidth values, and make sure the value is an int if penwidth != 1: if penwidth < 1: raise ValueError("Penwidth cannot be smaller than 1") if penwidth > 1: penwidth = int(penwidth) # if only a filled circle needs to be drawn, it's easy if fill: sdlgfx.filledCircleRGBA(self.sdl_renderer, x, y, r, color.r, color.g, color.b, opacity) else: # If penwidth is 1, simply use sdl2gfx's own functions if penwidth == 1: if aa: sdlgfx.aacircleRGBA(self.sdl_renderer, x, y, r, color.r, color.g, color.b, opacity) else: sdlgfx.circleRGBA(self.sdl_renderer, x, y, r, color.r, color.g, color.b, opacity) else: # If the penwidth is larger than 1, things become a bit more complex. # To ensure that the interior of the circle is transparent, we will # have to work with multiple textures and blending. outer_r, inner_r = int(r+penwidth*.5), int(r-penwidth*.5) # Calculate the required dimensions of the extra texture we are # going to draw the circle on. Add 1 pixel to account for division # errors (i.e. dividing an odd number of pixels) c_width, c_height = outer_r*2+1, outer_r*2+1 # Create the circle texture, and make sure it can be a rendering # target by setting the correct access flag. circle_sprite = self.environment.texture_factory.create_software_sprite( size=(c_width, c_height), ) # Create a renderer to draw to the circle sprite sprite_renderer = sdl2.ext.Renderer(circle_sprite) # Determine the optimal color key to use for this operation colorkey_color = self.determine_optimal_colorkey(color, self.background_color) # Clear the sprite with the colorkey color sprite_renderer.clear(colorkey_color) # Draw the annulus: sdlgfx.filledCircleRGBA(sprite_renderer.sdlrenderer, outer_r, outer_r, outer_r, color.r, color.g, color.b, 255) # Antialias if desired if aa: for i in range(-1,1): for j in range(2): sdlgfx.aacircleRGBA(sprite_renderer.sdlrenderer, outer_r, outer_r, outer_r+i, color.r, color.g, color.b, 255) # Draw the hole sdlgfx.filledCircleRGBA(sprite_renderer.sdlrenderer, outer_r, outer_r, inner_r, colorkey_color.r, colorkey_color.g, colorkey_color.b, 255) # Antialias if desired if aa: for i in range(0,2): for j in range(2): sdlgfx.aacircleRGBA(sprite_renderer.sdlrenderer, outer_r, outer_r, inner_r+i, color.r, color.g, color.b, 255) # Optimize drawing of transparent pixels sdl2.SDL_SetSurfaceRLE(circle_sprite.surface, 1) # Convert the colorkey to a format understandable by the # SDL_SetColorKey function colorkey = sdl2.SDL_MapRGB(circle_sprite.surface.format, colorkey_color.r, colorkey_color.g, colorkey_color.b) # Set transparency color key sdl2.SDL_SetColorKey(circle_sprite.surface, sdl2.SDL_TRUE, colorkey) # Create a texture from the circle sprite circle_texture = self.environment.texture_factory.from_surface( circle_sprite.surface ) # Set the desired transparency value to the texture sdl2.SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(circle_texture.texture, opacity) # Perform the blitting operation self.renderer.copy( circle_texture, dstrect=(x-int(c_width/2), y-int(c_height/2), c_width, c_height) ) # Cleanup del(circle_sprite) del(sprite_renderer) return self def determine_optimal_colorkey(self, drawing_color, dev_offset=5): """ Determines the optimal color to use for the transparent color key.""" # If foreground and background colors are not identical, simply return # the background color if drawing_color != self.background_color: return self.background_color if not 1 <= dev_offset <= 25: raise ValueError("dev_offset should be a value between 1 and 25") # Create offset_color offset_color = sdl2.ext.Color(dev_offset, dev_offset, dev_offset, 0) # Create white_color white = sdl2.ext.Color(255,255,255,255) color_key = self.background_color + offset_color if color_key != white: return color_key else: return self.background_color - offset_color def opacity(self, value): """ Convert float values to opacity range between 0 and 255. """ if type(value) == float and 0.0 <= value <= 1.0: # This is maybe a bit iffy, because it does not allow opacity values # in the 0 to 255 range between 0 and 1 (it maybe undesiredly converts # it to value*255). # TODO: Think about a solution for this return int(value*255) elif type(value) in [int, float]: if 0 <= value <= 255: return int(value) else: raise ValueError("Invalid opacity value") else: raise TypeError("Incorrect type or value passed for opacity.") # ... ommitted for brevity ;否则你应该使用另一个值,或另一个技巧:-)。 &#34; 3&#34;应该是一个参数。

live demo

ID >= 1

答案 3 :(得分:0)


select * from `test`.`test_1` as out1 where `to` 
< ( select min( `from`  ) from `test`.`test_1` as in1 where in1.`from`   
> out1.`to`  )+ XX;
