我一直在尝试实现这一点,以便鼠标点击地图标记注册为“updateTabsetPanel”命令的输入,但似乎已经碰到了一堵砖墙。我也尝试在弹出窗口中实现超链接/ URL,将用户重定向到正确的选项卡,但也没有运气。
我在下面提供了一个更深入的工作示例,也许有人会很友好地看一看并建议修复,或者告诉我,如果我对Shiny / R的要求太复杂了,那我的时间最好在别处度过。
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
#I've tried hyperlinking to the tab with an action link/hyperlink
##that would appear in the popup
Popcontent1 <- paste(sep = "<br/>",
actionLink("?url=inTabset/Home", "Learn about A"),
"This would be the First Marker",
"and would update the tabs to a specific tab below")
Popcontent2 <- paste(sep = "<br/>",
actionLink("link_to_tabpanel_B", "Learn about B"),
"This one would also update to another tab")
output$London <- renderLeaflet({
London <- leaflet(options = leafletOptions(zoomControl = FALSE,
minZoom = 16, maxZoom = 16)) %>%
setView(lng = 0.12783, lat =51.50741, zoom = 16)%>%
addTiles(options = providerTileOptions(opacity = 0.45)) %>%
addCircleMarkers(lng=0.12783, lat=51.50741, radius = 13,
opacity = 0.5, color = "#008B45",
popup=Popcontent1)%>% #MarkerHome
addCircleMarkers(lng=0.12774, lat=51.50700, radius = 13,
color = "#48D1CC",popup=Popcontent2) #Marker2
PopTEST <- addCircleMarkers(London, lng=0.12800, lat=51.50650,
color = "#9400D3", popup=Popcontent1) #TestMarker
## Attempt at making the markers in the above map interactive.
## Ideally, clicking on the markers above would change the tabs,
## meaning users click on certain building marker and get relevant tab
event <- input$London_PopTEST_click
updateTabsetPanel(session, "inTabset", selected = event$A)
observeEvent(input$switchtab, {
event <- input$London_PopTEST_click
updateTabsetPanel(session, "inTabset", selected = event$A)
titlePanel("This is the Map"),
leafletOutput("London", width = "100%", height = 600),
tabsetPanel(id = "inTabset",
tabPanel(title = "Home", id = "Home",
h4("This is the Home Tab"),
p("This would be the introductory tab.")
######################################## Tab A
tabPanel("Tab A", id = "A",
h4("This tab would be the next step"),
p("This tab would be brought up by the
marker/popup click in the map above.")
答案 0 :(得分:0)
在ui部分,您需要将tabPanel("Tab A", id = "A",
更改为tabPanel("Tab A", value= "A",
对于服务器部分,我已修改您的代码以更新链接点击上的tabset面板。 我为链接添加了一个click事件,并为点击添加了一个observe事件。
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
#I've tried hyperlinking to the tab with an action link/hyperlink
##that would appear in the popup
Popcontent1 <- paste(sep = "<br/>",
##Here I have added and event which needs to be updated on clicking the link called "link_click"
actionLink("?url=inTabset/Home", "Learn about A", onclick = 'Shiny.onInputChange(\"link_click\", Math.random())'),
"This would be the First Marker",
"and would update the tabs to a specific tab below")
Popcontent2 <- paste(sep = "<br/>",
actionLink("link_to_tabpanel_B", "Learn about B"),
"This one would also update to another tab")
output$London <- renderLeaflet({
London <- leaflet(options = leafletOptions(zoomControl = FALSE,
minZoom = 16, maxZoom = 16)) %>%
setView(lng = 0.12783, lat =51.50741, zoom = 16)%>%
addTiles(options = providerTileOptions(opacity = 0.45)) %>%
addCircleMarkers(lng=0.12783, lat=51.50741, radius = 13,
opacity = 0.5, color = "#008B45",
popup=Popcontent1)%>% #MarkerHome
addCircleMarkers(lng=0.12774, lat=51.50700, radius = 13,
color = "#48D1CC",popup=Popcontent2) #Marker2
PopTEST <- addCircleMarkers(London, lng=0.12800, lat=51.50650,
color = "#9400D3", popup=Popcontent1) #TestMarker
#Here I have the observEvent for link_click which updates the tab
updateTabsetPanel(session, "inTabset", "A")
另一种方法是使用输入$ MAPID_marker_click事件。您可以在下面看到相同的内容:
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
#I've tried hyperlinking to the tab with an action link/hyperlink
##that would appear in the popup
Popcontent1 <- paste(sep = "<br/>",
actionLink("?url=inTabset/Home", "Learn about A"),
"This would be the First Marker",
"and would update the tabs to a specific tab below")
Popcontent2 <- paste(sep = "<br/>",
actionLink("link_to_tabpanel_B", "Learn about B"),
"This one would also update to another tab")
output$London <- renderLeaflet({
London <- leaflet(options = leafletOptions(zoomControl = FALSE,
minZoom = 16, maxZoom = 16)) %>%
setView(lng = 0.12783, lat =51.50741, zoom = 16)%>%
addTiles(options = providerTileOptions(opacity = 0.45)) %>%
addCircleMarkers(lng=0.12783, lat=51.50741, radius = 13,
opacity = 0.5, color = "#008B45",
popup=Popcontent1)%>% #MarkerHome
addCircleMarkers(lng=0.12774, lat=51.50700, radius = 13,
color = "#48D1CC",popup=Popcontent2) #Marker2
PopTEST <- addCircleMarkers(London, lng=0.12800, lat=51.50650,
color = "#9400D3", popup=Popcontent1) #TestMarker
#This is the marker click event
updateTabsetPanel(session, "inTabset", "A")