Unhandled Promise rejection: Template parse errors:
Parser Error: Unexpected token # at column 7 in `[ngFor #detail of details] in TabComponent@5:14 ("
You have {{details.length}} details.
<template [ERROR ->]*ngFor="#detail of details" ui-pane [title]="detail.title">
"): TabComponent@5:14
Parser Error: Unexpected token # at column 7 in [ngFor #detail of details] in TabComponent@5:14 ("ave {{details.length}} details.
<template *ngFor="#detail of details" ui-pane [ERROR ->][title]="detail.title">
"): TabComponent@5:50
Parser Error: Unexpected token # at column 7 in [ngFor #detail of details] in TabComponent@5:14 ("details.
<template *ngFor="#detail of details" ui-pane [title]="detail.title">[ERROR ->]
"): TabComponent@5:73
Parser Error: Unexpected token # at column 7 in [ngFor #detail of details] in TabComponent@5:14 ("
<button class="btn" [ERROR ->](click)="removeDetail(detail)">Remove</button>
<template ui-pane title='Summary"): TabComponent@9:28
Can't bind to 'ngFor' since it isn't a known property of 'template'. ("
You have {{details.length}} details.
<template [ERROR ->]*ngFor="#detail of details" ui-pane [title]="detail.title">
"): TabComponent@5:14
Property binding ngFor not used by any directive on an embedded template. Make sure that the property name is spelled correctly and all directives are listed in the "directives" section. ("
You have {{details.length}} details.