
时间:2017-03-06 12:14:50

标签: file assembly tasm



buffer         db 100 dup (?), '$'   ;regarding to comment, buffer is db 101 dup (?), '$'



任务1询问我要读取的文件名(字符串)。 输入文件名后,程序task1打开文件。

mov ah, 3dh
xor al, al 
lea dx, fname
int 21h                         ;open file
jc openError                    
mov bx, ax 



task2       proc
            pam 10,13                       ;pam is macro for printing out               

            mov ah, 3fh
            lea dx, buffer
            mov cx, 100 
            int 21h
            jc readError                    ;read error , jump
            mov si, ax
            mov buffer[si], '$'
            mov ah, 09h
            int 21h                         ;print out 
            cmp si, 100
            je read
            jmp stop                        ;end
            pam error1
            jmp stop
            pam error2

stop:       ret
task2       endp



所以我尝试将六进制转换为十进制,它有点工作,但我必须有一些错误,因为它适用于小文件,让我说我尝试1kB文件,它工作,我在屏幕上打印出的字节大小,但当我尝试更大的文件,如128kB,十进制数字不正确 - 打印尺寸错误,文件很大130,862 bytes,我的转换给了我-- MENU653261 = Enter file name

... code from the answer ...
lea     di,[buffer]     ; hexa number will be written to buffer
mov     word ptr [di],('0' + 'x'*256)  ; with C-like "0x" prefix
add     di,2            ; "0x" written at start of buffer
mov     ax,dx
call    AxTo04Hex       ; upper word converted to hexa string
mov     ax,cx
call    AxTo04Hex       ; lower word converted to hexa string
mov     byte ptr [di],'$'   ; string terminator

;HEX TO DECIMAL = my code starts here
    mov cx,0
    mov bx,10

loop1: mov dx,0
    div bx
    add dl,30h
    push dx
    inc cx
    cmp ax,9
    jg loop1

    add al,30h
    mov [si],al

loop2: pop ax
    inc si
    mov [si],al
    loop loop2

    ; output final string to screen
    mov     ah,9
    lea     dx,[buffer]
    int     21h

以下是打印出小数值时的外观。它与下一行混合在一起。我试图把它移到下一行,但没有帮助。 screenshot

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


.model small
.stack 100h


fname    DB "somefile.ext", 0
buffer   DB 100 dup (?), '$'


    ; set up "ds" to point to data segment
    mov     ax,@data
    mov     ds,ax
    ; open file first, to get "file handle"
    mov     ax,3D00h        ; ah = 3Dh (open file), al = 0 (read only mode)
    lea     dx,[fname]      ; ds:dx = pointer to zero terminated file name string
    int     21h             ; call DOS service
    jc      fileError
    ; ax = file handle (16b number)

    ; now set the DOS internal "file pointer" to the end of opened file
    mov     bx,ax           ; store "file handle" into bx
    mov     ax,4202h        ; ah = 42h, al = 2 (END + cx:dx offset)
    xor     cx,cx           ; cx = 0
    xor     dx,dx           ; dx = 0 (cx:dx = +0 offset)
    int     21h             ; will set the file pointer to end of file, returns dx:ax
    jc      fileError       ; something went wrong, just exit
    ; here dx:ax contains length of file (32b number)

    ; close the file, as we will not need it any more
    mov     cx,ax           ; store lower word of length into cx for the moment
    mov     ah,3Eh          ; ah = 3E (close file), bx is still file handle
    int     21h             ; close the file
    ; ignoring any error during closing, so not testing CF here

    ; BTW, int 21h modifies only the registers specified in documentation
    ; that's why keeping length in dx:cx registers is enough, avoiding memory/stack

    ; display dx:cx file length in hexa formatting to screen
    ; (note: yes, I used dx:cx for storage, not cx:dx as offset for 42h service)
    ; (note2: hexa formatting, because it's much easier to implement than decimal)
    lea     di,[buffer]     ; hexa number will be written to buffer
    mov     word ptr [di],('0' + 'x'*256)  ; with C-like "0x" prefix
    add     di,2            ; "0x" written at start of buffer
    mov     ax,dx
    call    AxTo04Hex       ; upper word converted to hexa string
    mov     ax,cx
    call    AxTo04Hex       ; lower word converted to hexa string
    mov     byte ptr [di],'$'   ; string terminator

    ; output final string to screen
    mov     ah,9
    lea     dx,[buffer]
    int     21h

    ; exit to DOS with exit code 0 (OK)
    mov     ax,4C00h
    int     21h

    mov     ax,4C01h        ; exit with code 1 (error happened)
    int     21h

AxTo04Hex:  ; subroutine to convert ax into four ASCII hexadecimal digits
    ; input: ax = 16b value to convert, ds:di = buffer to write characters into
    ; modifies: di += 4 (points beyond the converted four chars)
    push    cx              ; save original cx to preserve it's value
    mov     cx,4
    rol     ax,4            ; rotate whole ax content by 4 bits "up" (ABCD -> BCDA)
    push    ax
    and     al,0Fh          ; keep only lowest nibble (4 bits) value (0-15)
    add     al,'0'          ; convert it to ASCII: '0' to '9' and 6 following chars
    cmp     al,'9'          ; if result is '0' to '9', just store it, otherwise fix
    jbe     AxTo04Hex_notLetter
    add     al,'A'-(10+'0') ; fix value 10+'0' into 10+'A'-10 (10-15 => 'A' to 'F')
    mov     [di],al         ; write ASCII hexa digit (0-F) to buffer
    inc     di
    pop     ax              ; restore other bits of ax back for next loop
    dec     cx              ; repeat for all four nibbles
    jnz     AxTo04Hex_singleDigitLoop
    pop     cx              ; restore original cx value back
    ret                     ; ax is actually back to it's input value here :)
end start


我再强烈建议你使用调试器,然后慢慢地通过指令进行指令,观察CPU状态如何变化,以及它与我的注释之间的关系(请注意我试图评论指令的确切含义) ,因为这可以在指令参考指南中找到,但我试图评论我的人类意图,为什么我在那里写它 - 如果有一些错误,这会让你知道错误代码的正确输出应该是什么,以及如何解决它。如果评论只是说出了指令的作用,那么你就无法告诉它应该如何修复。




divisors  dd 1000000000, 100000000, 10000000, ... 10, 1

for (i = 0; i < divisors.length; ++i) {
    buffer[i] = '0';
    while (divisors[i] <= number) {
        number -= divisors[i];
digit[i] = '$';
// then printing as
ptr_to_print = buffer;
// eat leading zeroes
while ( '0' == ptr_to_print[0] ) ++ptr_to_print;
// but keep at least one zero, if the number itself was zero
if ('$' == ptr_to_print[0] ) --ptr_to_print;
print_it   // dx = ptr_to_print, ah = 9, int 21h


; dx:ax = 32b number
; ds:si = pointer to memory to other 32b number (mov si,offset divisors)
sub   ax,[si]    ; subtract lower word, CF works as "borrow" flag
sbb   dx,[si+2]  ; subtract high word, using the "borrow" of SUB
; optionally: jc overflow
   ; you can do that "while (divisors[i] <= number)" above
   ; by subtracting first, and when overflow -> exit while plus
   ; add the divisor back (add + adc) (to restore "number")


您不能将十六进制转换为十进制(十六进制字符串存储在buffer中,您不会从那里加载任何内容)。您将ax中的值转换为十进制。 ax包含前一个十六进制转换调用的低文件长度。因此,对于长度高达65535(0xFFFF =最大16b无符号整数)的文件,它可能会起作用。对于较长的文件,它不会,因为上面的单词位于dx,您只需mov dx,0销毁。

如果您实际保留dx,则将文件长度除以10,但对于长度为655360+的文件,它会因分割错误(商的溢出)而崩溃。正如我在上面的回答中所写的那样,在8086上进行32b / 16b分割并非易事,而且我甚至不确定什么是有效的方法。我给你提示使用32b除数表,并通过减法进行除法,但是你去了DIV。这需要将原始32b值精确分割成较小的部分,直到可以使用div bx=10来提取特定数字。就像首先执行filelength / 1e5一样,然后计算32b余数(0..99999)值,即使在16b中也可以实际除以10(99999/10 = 9999(适合16b),余数为9)。

看起来你不明白为什么128k文件长度需要存储32位,以及各种类型变量的有效范围是多少。 2 16 = 65536(= 64ki)...在遇到问题之前,你的整数有多大。 128ki是两倍于&gt; 16位是问题。

有趣的事情......正如你写的&#34;从十六进制转换为十进制&#34;,起初我虽然:什么,你把那个六进制字符串转换成十进制字符串???但实际上这对于16b数学来说是可行的,要通过整个六进制数首先仅获取10个 0 值(从特定k * 16 n 值中提取),然后在下一个迭代做10 1 计数等......



基本上你没有遵循我的建议浪费了很多时间(学习调试并理解32b - 32b循环分区的意思),试图从Internet复制一些完成的代码。至少看起来你可以更好地将它连接到你自己的代码,但你仍然缺少明显的问题,比如没有设置si指向十进制字符串的目标。

也许尝试首先打印文件中的所有数字,并将大小保持为hexa(至少试着找出,为什么转换为hexa很容易,而不是十进制)。因此,您将完成大部分任务,然后您可以使用最难的部分(16b asm中的32b到十进制)。

顺便说一句,就在前一天左右,有人在16b程序集中对64b数字进行加法/减法有问题,所以这个答案可能会给你进一步的提示,为什么通过sub / add循环进行这些转换并不是一个坏主意,它很简单&#34;代码,如果您了解它是如何工作的:https://stackoverflow.com/a/42645266/4271923