
时间:2017-03-05 07:42:44

标签: ios swift mapkit

我设计了一个自定义注释,视图看起来很好。但是在视图中有一个按钮,当我点击它时,没有发生。它应该在日志中打印一些内容。 这是Custom Annotation类中的代码。

import UIKit
import MapKit
import CoreLocation
import CoreData

class CustomAnnotation: MKPinAnnotationView, MKMapViewDelegate, CLLocationManagerDelegate {

let firmaLabel : UILabel = UILabel.init(frame:CGRect(x: 0, y: -50, width: 200, height: 50))
let infoButton = UIButton(type: .detailDisclosure)

override func setSelected(_ selected: Bool, animated: Bool)
    super.setSelected(true, animated: animated)

        firmaLabel.textAlignment = .center
        firmaLabel.textColor = UIColor.white
        firmaLabel.font = UIFont.init(name: "Trebuchet MS", size: 20)
        firmaLabel.backgroundColor = UIColor.black
        firmaLabel.layer.borderColor = UIColor.darkGray.cgColor
        firmaLabel.layer.cornerRadius = 5
        firmaLabel.layer.masksToBounds = true

        infoButton.frame = CGRect(x: -50, y: -50, width: 50, height: 50)
        infoButton.backgroundColor = UIColor.red
        infoButton.layer.borderColor = UIColor.darkGray.cgColor
        infoButton.layer.cornerRadius = 5
        infoButton.layer.masksToBounds = true
        infoButton.setTitle(">", for: UIControlState.normal)

//The code below is the way I imagine it should make it work??

        infoButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(btnClicked(_:)), for: UIControlEvents.touchUpInside)

        firmaLabel.text = "Hello"



func btnClicked (_: UIButton) {
    print("Hello world")


enter image description here


func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, viewFor annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? {
    if annotation is MKUserLocation
        return nil
    var annotationView = self.mapView.dequeueReusableAnnotationView(withIdentifier: "Pin")
    if annotationView == nil{
        annotationView = CustomAnnotation(annotation: annotation, reuseIdentifier: "Pin")
        annotationView?.canShowCallout = false
    } else {
        annotationView?.annotation = annotation

    return annotationView

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if annotationView == nil{
        annotationView = CustomAnnotation(annotation: annotation, reuseIdentifier: "Pin") //Might as well be MKPinAnnotationView
        annotationView?.canShowCallout = true

        let infoButton = UIButton(type: .detailDisclosure)

        infoButton.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 50, height: 50)
        infoButton.backgroundColor = UIColor.red
        infoButton.layer.borderColor = UIColor.darkGray.cgColor
        infoButton.layer.cornerRadius = 5
        infoButton.layer.masksToBounds = true

        infoButton.addTarget(self, action:#selector(self.buttonClicked), for: .touchUpInside)

        annotationView?.leftCalloutAccessoryView = infoButton



    func buttonClicked() {
    print("Button Clicked")


enter image description here

编辑:看一下Apples" MapCallouts"示例代码,它们为iOS和macOS显示不同类型的注释。非常有用!