
时间:2017-03-05 01:17:53

标签: php algorithm data-structures tree trie

this教程之后,我遇到了Trie数据结构。从最近我一直在用PHP编程,我试着用这个来解决讲座problem。我能够获得正确的答案,但仅适用于较小的输入(输入#10是2,82 MB文件)。显然,我的算法不能很好地扩展。它还超过了PHP的默认128 MB内存限制。



由于problem,每个节点都有“权重”成员。 我想优化我的代码,(甚至使用不同的方法从stratch重写它),以便它可以通过大输入的测试。



TrieNode 类存储树层次结构。

class TrieNode {
    // weight is needed for the given problem
    public $weight;
    /* TrieNode children, 
    * e.g. [0 => (TrieNode object1), 2 => (TrieNode object2)]
    * where 0 stands for 'a', 1 for 'c'
    * and TrieNode objects are references to other TrieNodes.
    private $children;

    function __construct($weight, $children) {
        $this->weight = $weight;
        $this->children = $children;

    /** map lower case english letters to 0-25 */
    static function getAsciiValue($char) {
        return intval(ord($char)) - intval(ord('a'));

    function addChild($char, $node) {
        if (!isset($this->children)) {
            $this->children = [];
        $this->children[self::getAsciiValue($char)] = $node;

    function isChild($char) {
        return isset($this->children[self::getAsciiValue($char)]);

    function getChild($char) {
        return $this->children[self::getAsciiValue($char)];

    function isLeaf() {
        return empty($this->children);

Trie 类存储根TrieNode。它可以插入和查询节点。

class Trie {
    /* root TrieNode stores the first characters */
    private $root;

    function __construct() {
        $this->root = new TrieNode(-1, []);

    function insert($string, $weight) {
        $currentNode = $this->root;
        $l = strlen($string);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i++) {
            $char = $string[$i];
            if(!$currentNode->isChild($char)) {
                $n = new TrieNode($weight, null);
                $currentNode->addChild($char, $n);
            $currentNode->weight = max($weight, $currentNode->weight);
            $currentNode = $currentNode->getChild($char);

    function getNode($string) {
        $currentNode = $this->root;
        $l = strlen($string);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i++) {
            $char = $string[$i];
            if ($currentNode->isLeaf() || !$currentNode->isChild($char)) {
                return null;
            $currentNode = $currentNode->getChild($char);
        return $currentNode;

    function getWeight($string) {
        $node = $this->getNode($string);
        return is_null($node) ? -1 : $node->weight;



In case the problem page is down:

2 1
hackerearth 10
hackerrank 9


where 2 is the number of inserts, 1 is the number of queries
"string number" is the string to insert and its "weight"
"hacker" is the string to query
10 is maximum the weight of the queried string (hacker -> 10)

$trie = new Trie();
$handle = fopen('test.txt', 'r');
//$handle = STDIN; // <- this is for the online judge
list($n, $q) = fscanf($handle, "%d %d");
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { // insert data
    list($s, $weight) = fscanf($handle, "%s %d");
    $trie->insert($s, $weight);
for ($i = 0; $i < $q; $i++) { // query data
    $query = trim(strval(fgets($handle)));
    echo $trie->getWeight($query) . PHP_EOL;


The algorithm fails 6 tests out of 16

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



class TrieNode {
        // weight is needed for the given problem
        public $weight;
        /* TrieNode children, 
        * e.g. [0 => (TrieNode object1), 2 => (TrieNode object2)]
        * where 0 stands for 'a', 1 for 'c'
        * and TrieNode objects are references to other TrieNodes.
        private $children;

        function __construct($weight, $children) {
            $this->weight = $weight;
            $this->children = $children;

        /** map lower case english letters to 0-25 */
        static function getAsciiValue($char) {
            return intval(ord($char)) - intval(ord('a'));

        function addChild($char, $node) {
            if (!isset($this->children)) {
                $this->children = [];
            $this->children[self::getAsciiValue($char)] = $node;

        function isChild($char) {
            return isset($this->children[self::getAsciiValue($char)]);

        function getChild($char) {
            return $this->children[self::getAsciiValue($char)];

        function isLeaf() {
            return empty($this->children);

    class Trie {
        /* root TrieNode stores the first characters */
        private $root;

        function __construct() {
            $this->root = new TrieNode(-1, []);

        function insert($string, $weight) {
            $currentNode = $this->root;
            $l = strlen($string);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i++) {
                $char = $string[$i];
                if(!$currentNode->isChild($char)) {
                    $n = new TrieNode($weight, null);
                    $currentNode->addChild($char, $n);
                $currentNode->weight = max($weight, $currentNode->weight);
                $currentNode = $currentNode->getChild($char);

        function getNode($string) {
            $currentNode = $this->root;
            if (empty($currentNode) || !isset($currentNode)) {
              return null;
            $l = strlen($string);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i++) {
                $char = $string[$i];
                if (empty($currentNode) || $currentNode->isLeaf() || !$currentNode->isChild($char)) {
                    return null;
                $currentNode = $currentNode->getChild($char);
                if (empty($currentNode)) {
                  return null;
            return $currentNode;

        function getWeight($string) {
            $node = $this->getNode($string);
            return is_null($node) ? -1 : $node->weight;

    $trie = new Trie();
    //$handle = fopen('test.txt', 'r');
    $handle = STDIN; // <- this is for the online judge
    list($n, $q) = fscanf($handle, "%d %d");
    for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { // insert data
        list($s, $weight) = fscanf($handle, "%s %d");
        $trie->insert($s, $weight);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $q; $i++) { // query data
        $query = trim(strval(fgets($handle)));
        echo $trie->getWeight($query) . PHP_EOL;


答案 1 :(得分:1)

以下是具有以下优化的代码 -


  1. 无需检查节点是否为叶子,因为如果节点没有子节点指定的字符,那么它是否为叶子并不重要。
  2. 每次添加子节点时都无需检查{children}是否已初始化。删除了此检查,将{children}初始化为构造函数本身的空数组。
  3. 使用简单的关联数组删除函数{getAsciiValue}。同时将{char}更改为ascii值已从TrieNode移至Trie类,因此我们无需多次转换



     * Read input from stdin and provide input before running code
    fscanf(STDIN, "%s\n", $name);
    echo "Hi, ".$name;
    class TrieNode {
        // weight is needed for the given problem
        public $weight;
        /* TrieNode children, 
        * e.g. [0 => (TrieNode object1), 2 => (TrieNode object2)]
        * where 0 stands for 'a', 2 for 'c'
        * and TrieNode objects are references to other TrieNodes.
        private $children;
        function __construct($weight) {
            $this->weight = $weight;
            $this->children = [];
        function addChild($char, $node) {
            $this->children[$char] = $node;
        function isChild($char) {
            return isset($this->children[$char]);
        function getChild($char) {
            return $this->children[$char];
    class Trie {
        /* root TrieNode stores the first characters */
        private $root;
        function __construct() {
            $this->root = new TrieNode(-1);
        static $asciiValues = array(
            "a" => 0,
            "b" => 1,
            "c" => 2,
            "d" => 3,
            "e" => 4,
            "f" => 5,
            "g" => 6,
            "h" => 7,
            "i" => 8,
            "j" => 9,
            "k" => 10,
            "l" => 11,
            "m" => 12,
            "n" => 13,
            "o" => 14,
            "p" => 15,
            "q" => 16,
            "r" => 17,
            "s" => 18,
            "t" => 19,
            "u" => 20,
            "v" => 21,
            "w" => 22,
            "x" => 23,
            "y" => 24,
            "z" => 25
        function insert($string, $weight) {
            $currentNode = $this->root;
            $l = strlen($string);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i++) {
                $char = self::$asciiValues[$string[$i]];
                $currentNode->weight = max($weight, $currentNode->weight);
                if($currentNode->isChild($char)) {
                    $childNode = $currentNode->getChild($char);
                } else {
                    $childNode = new TrieNode($weight);
                    $currentNode->addChild($char, $childNode);
                $currentNode = $childNode;
        function getNodeWeight($string) {
            $currentNode = $this->root;
            $l = strlen($string);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i++) {
                $char = self::$asciiValues[$string[$i]];
                if (!$currentNode->isChild($char)) {
                    return -1;
                $currentNode = $currentNode->getChild($char);
            return $currentNode->weight;
    $trie = new Trie();
    //$handle = fopen('test.txt', 'r');
    $handle = STDIN; // <- this is for the online judge
    list($n, $q) = fscanf($handle, "%d %d");
    for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { // insert data
        list($s, $weight) = fscanf($handle, "%s %d");
        $trie->insert($s, $weight);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $q; $i++) { // query data
        //$query = trim(strval(fgets($handle)));
        $query = trim(strval(fgets($handle)));
        echo $trie->getNodeWeight($query) . PHP_EOL;