
时间:2017-03-04 10:01:01

标签: matlab image-processing

我正在使用imtransform来扭曲图像,使用exploring a conformal mapping中提出的保形贴图。它工作正常,但Matlab显示警告不建议使用imtransform,而应该使用imwarp,但是从imtransform到imwarp的转换很困难。有人可以在几何变换对象中使用intransform [a]转移失真过程以获得imwarp吗?


conformal = maketform('custom', 2, 2, [], @conformalInverse, []);
T = imtransform(C, conformal, 'bicubic', 'UData', uData,'VData', vData, 'XData', xData,'YData', yData, 'Size', [cm_out_h cm_out_w], 'FillValues', FillValue);


function U = conformalInverse(X, ~)
U = [zeros(size(X))];
Z = complex(X(:,1),X(:,2));
a = 2; W = (1./(4 * Z.^a - 1));
U(:,2) = imag(W);
U(:,1) = real(W);


uData     = [ -1.25   1.25];  % Bounds for REAL(w)
vData     = [  0.75  -0.75];  % Bounds for IMAG(w)
xData     = [ -2.00   2.00];  % Bounds for REAL(z)
yData     = [  2.00  -2.00];  % Bounds for IMAG(z)
cm_out_h  = 3000;             % h of output image
cm_out_w  = 3000;             % w of output image
FillValue = 0;                % color definition to fill possible empty areas; here 0 == black 

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