使用AJP与Tomcat 302重定向的Apache反向代理

时间:2017-03-04 08:41:31

标签: apache reverse-proxy http-status-code-302 ajp tomcat8.5

我完全没有这个想法,并认为我需要寻求对Apache HTTPD(2.4)和Tomcat(8.5)有深入了解的人的帮助

我有一个Spring MVC 4网络应用程序,当我绕过代理访问它时效果非常好,但是,每当我通过代理并访问导致302重定向的链接时,它都会失败。

直接我被重定向到正确的路径,所以我知道不是网络应用程序向客户端提供错误的URL。但是通过代理我会被重定向到一个看起来在URL前面加上上下文路径的位置 - 这已经存在!所以它出现了两次,因此请求一个不存在的URL!

当我查看 Tomcat 的访问日志时,我可以使用上下文路径为302重定向的路径添加前缀 - 重复的上下文路径! - - [04/Mar/2017:08:07:54 +0000] "GET /ctxPath/redirect HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [04/Mar/2017:08:07:54 +0000] "GET /ctxPath/ctxPath/testUrl HTTP/1.1" 404 986

这必须是Tomcat对HTTPD的响应 - 它使用AJP连接器。直接访问页面时,它通过HTTP连接器,并正常工作。我更新了我的HTTPD配置以使用HTTP连接器并获得302重定向的相同结果。



ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:9009/ctxPath/
ProxyPassReverse / ajp://localhost:9009/ctxPath/
ProxyPassReverseCookiePath /ctxPath /


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我知道现在已经很老了,但我前段时间确实已经解决了,所以认为发布我的修复是值得的 - 不确定它是否是正确的'方式,但似乎已经完成了去年的工作!

# HTTP 302 redirects are not modified by the reverse proxy when using the AJP protocol.
# https://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/common_howto/proxy.html
# Or perhaps Tomcat needs further configuration to support a proxy (See Connector config)
# When sending a redirect, the redirect URL is placed in the 'Location' HTTP response header.
# When the browser requests the page using the path in the Location header,
# the proxy will dutifully proxy the request to the backend - which prefixes the context path.
# This will cause the context path to appear twice and result in a 404.
# ProxyPassReverse would usually modify the Location HTTP header, but using AJP it
# appears no to, so take care of this ourselves by removing the context path from the
# URL in the Location header before passing it back to the client.
# Spring Security uses redirects during authentication
Header edit Location /ctxPath/(.*)$ /$1