我现在正在使用realypython Book2学习Python(Flask)。
我添加了#34; connection.commit()"进入代码,然后它运行正常。为什么我需要使用" commit()"?
# project/db_migrate.py
from views import db
from _config import DATABASE_PATH
import sqlite3
from datetime import datetime
with sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_PATH) as connection:
# get a cursor object used to execute SQL commands
c = connection.cursor()
# temporarily change the name of tasks table
c.execute("""ALTER TABLE tasks RENAME TO old_tasks""")
# recreate a new tasks table with updated schema
# retrieve data from old_tasks table
c.execute("""SELECT name, due_date, priority,
status FROM old_tasks ORDER BY task_id ASC""")
# save all rows as a list of tuples; set posted_date to now and user_id to 1
data = [(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3],
datetime.now(), 1) for row in c.fetchall()]
# insert data to tasks table
c.executemany("""INSERT INTO tasks (name, due_date, priority, status,
posted_date, user_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""", data)
# delete old_tasks table
c.execute("DROP TABLE old_tasks")