set @sdate = '2015-01-01';
set @edate = @sdate + interval 1 year;
select `a` as 'First Name', `aa` as 'Last Name',
`b` as 'Field Tests', `c` as 'Field Inspections',
`d` as 'Lab Tests', `e` as 'Lab Inspections',
`f` as 'Total' from
select a.first as 'a', a.last as 'aa',
(select @b := count(*) from field_test b where b.inspector_id = a.id
and b.date_time >= @sdate and b.date_time < @edate) as 'b',
(select @c := count(*) from field_insp c where c.inspector_id = a.id
and c.inspection_date >= @sdate and c.inspection_date < @edate) as 'c',
(select @d := count(*) from lab_test d where d.inspector_id = a.id
and d.date_time >= @sdate and d.date_time < @edate) as 'd',
(select @e := count(*) from lab_insp e where e.inspector_id = a.id
and e.inspection_date >= @sdate and e.inspection_date < @edate) as 'e',
(select @f := @b + @c + @d + @e) as 'f'
from inspector a
order by `f` desc
) as t
where `f` > 0
select 'TOTALS', '',
(select @n := count(*) from field_test
where date_time >= @sdate and date_time < @edate),
(select @o := count(*) from field_insp
where inspection_date >= @sdate and inspection_date < @edate),
(select @p := count(*) from lab_test
where date_time >= @sdate and date_time < @edate),
(select @q := count(*) from lab_insp
where inspection_date >= @sdate and inspection_date < @edate),
(select @n + @o + @p + @q)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
您可以使用with rollup
子句的group by
select case when id is null then 'Totals' else min(first) end as `First name`,
case when id is null then '' else min(last) end as `Last Name`,
sum(ft) as `Field Tests`,
sum(fi) as `Field Inspections`,
sum(lt) as `Lab Tests`,
sum(li) as `Lab Inspections`,
sum(ft + fi + lt + li) as `Total`
from inspector as insp
inner join (
select inspector_id, count(*) as ft, 0 as fi, 0 as lt, 0 as li
from field_test
where date_time >= @sdate and date_time < @edate
group by inspector_id
select inspector_id, 0, count(*), 0, 0
from field_insp
where inspection_date >= @sdate and inspection_date < @edate
group by inspector_id
select inspector_id, 0, 0, count(*), 0
from lab_test
where date_time >= @sdate and date_time < @edate
group by inspector_id
select inspector_id, 0, 0, 0, count(*)
from lab_insp
where inspection_date >= @sdate and inspection_date < @edate
group by inspector_id
) as cnt
on cnt.inspector_id = id
group by id with rollup;