Invalid Parameter Not Satisfying: peripheral != nil

时间:2017-03-02 23:28:58

标签: ios objective-c bluetooth cbcentralmanager

In my app I have a method that reconnects the device to the peripheral if it had previously gone out of range. I put an exception breakpoint in my app, and it seems to have crashed at this line:

[centralManager connectPeripheral:currentPeripheral.peripheral options:nil]; 

Here is the line of code in context of the method that manages reconnection:

for(EHOIPeripheral* currentPeripheral in pairedPeripherals)
    if(currentPeripheral.patientID == patientID)
        DBHelper* dbHelper = [DBHelper getSharedInstance];
        Device* pairedDevice = [dbHelper getPairedDeviceForPatient:patientID];
            NSLog(@"Reconnecting patient %d with its peripheral %@.\nAddress: %@", patientID,, currentPeripheral.pairedDevice.address);
            [centralManager connectPeripheral:currentPeripheral.peripheral options:nil];
            // Read missed packets, if possible:
                    [currentPeripheral.peripheral readValueForCharacteristic:measurementCharacteristic];
                [currentPeripheral.peripheral discoverServices:[NSArray arrayWithObject:serviceUUID]];

As soon as it hits this line I get an error from the console saying:

*** Assertion failure in -[CBCentralManager connectPeripheral:options:], /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Invalid parameter not satisfying: peripheral != nil'

Is this is an issue with me not providing enough info in my info.plist? Or could this be an issue with peripheral not being nil and being passed into the method?

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