在JavaScript& JSON,为什么我会收到错误" JSON输入的意外结束,"以及如何治愈它?

时间:2017-03-02 22:47:23

标签: javascript json



Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at objectifyJSONStr (pen.js:54:26)
    at FileReader.fr.onload (pen.js:48:5)

这是我在CodePen上运行笔时遇到的错误。见 infra


但我已使用在线验证器(JSONLint - The JSON Validator)验证了JSON。 (JSON在BBEdit for Mac(11.6.4)中格式化,并保存为Unicode(UTF-8)文件。)


在这个论坛上有一个问题,cors unexpected end of JSON input,这可能是相关的,但我知道CORS并不知道它将如何涉及到这里,也不知道如果这确实是问题的解决方法


<html lan="en">
      <title="A JSON exercise"></title>

  <input id="FileInput" name="files[]" type="file" accept="application/json" />
  <output id="OutputArea"</output>



document.getElementById('FileInput').addEventListener('change', readFile, false);

var f = {}, fr = {}, file = "", obj = {}, FHCClassSchedule = {};
function readFile(){
    f = document.getElementById('FileInput').files[0];
    fr = new FileReader();
    fr.onload = function(e){
        var el = document.getElementById('OutputArea');
        el.innerHTML += "files[0] : " + f +"<br><br>" + "file : " + fr.result;
    file = fr.result;   
function objectifyJSONStr(){
    FHCClassSchedule = JSON.parse(file);
    var el = document.getElementById('OutputArea');
    el.innerHTML += "FHCClassSchedule[0].time : " + FHCClassSchedule[0].time + "<br>" +
                    "FHCClassSchedule[0].instructorImgHref : " + 
                    FHCClassSchedule[0].instructorImgHref + "<br>";


   "FHC-Class-Schedule": [
         "time": "0830",
         "room": "A-I",
         "classTitle": "Keynote Address",
         "classDescription": "Room I[content to come]",
         "instructorName": "Crista Cowen",
         "instructorGender": "female",
         "instructorBio": "Crista Cowan has been employed by Ancestry.com since 2004; her involvement in family history, however, reaches all the way back to childhood. From being parked under a microfilm reader at the Family History Library in her baby carrier to her current career as a professional genealogist, Crista has spent thousands of hours discovering, documenting and telling family stories. She is known as The Barefoot Genealogist. You can watch her weekly internet show on the Ancestry YouTube channel.",
         "instructorImgHref": ""
         "time": "0900",
         "room": "A",
         "classTitle": "How To Use Ancestry.com",
         "classDescription": "This presentation is designed for someone new to Ancestry.com and will introduce participants to basic search features in Ancestry.  We will cover how to do a basic search from your family tree, how to use a general search form, and how to perform collection-specific searches.  We will also cover ways to keep learning about how to use Ancestry.",
         "instructorName": "Mindy McLane",
         "instructorGender": "female",
         "instructorBio": "Mindy McLane grew up in northern Minnesota. She majored in Latin American Studies and minored in business management at BYU. She&#39;s been married for 14 years, and working diligently on family history for just about as long. She and her family moved from Iowa to Oklahoma in 2015 when her husband took a job at NSU.",
         "instructorImgHref": "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/546d0ba7e4b03f89760fd462/t/54b4806ae4b043943fa5a471/1463443824178/McLane_Mindy.jpg?format=300w"

CodePen案例减少,A JSON Exercise。您将需要一个本地JSON文件来运行它。


  • 每位评论者修改了JS&#39;方向;
  • 引用了新的错误消息(由于更改了JS而更改了行引用)。

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