将变量添加到Keras / TensorFlow CNN密集层中

时间:2017-03-02 13:33:49

标签: python machine-learning tensorflow keras





              ___________      _________      _________      _________     ________    ______
              | Conv    |     | Max    |     | Conv    |     | Max    |    |       |   |     |
    Image --> | Layer 1 | --> | Pool 1 | --> | Layer 2 | --> | Pool 2 | -->|       |   |     |
              |_________|     |________|     |_________|     |________|    | Dense |   | Out |
                                                                           | Layer |-->|_____|
   Other      ------------------------------------------------------------>|       |
   Data                                                                    |       |

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


我建议您使用Functionnal API。如果您不熟悉它,请阅读some doc here

以下是使用keras API的涂鸦网络模型:

url(r'^ex/(?P<example>[\w ()]+)$', views.example, name='example'),

你去了:)最后很容易定义你想要的输入和输出数量,只需在创建from keras.layers.core import * from keras.models import Model # this is your image input definition. You have to specify a shape. image_input = Input(shape=(32,32,3)) # Some more data input with 10 features (eg.) other_data_input = Input(shape=(10,)) # First convolution filled with random parameters for the example conv1 = Convolution2D(nb_filter = nb_filter1, nb_row = nb_row1, nb_col=_nb_col1, padding = "same", activation = "tanh")(image_input) # MaxPool it conv1 = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(pool_1,pool_2))(conv1) # Second Convolution conv2 = Convolution2D(nb_filter = nb_filter2, nb_row = nb_row2, nb_col=_nb_col2, padding = "same", activation = "tanh")(conv1) # MaxPool it conv2 = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(pool_1,pool_2))(conv2) # Flatten the output to enable the merge to happen with the other input first_part_output = Flatten()(conv2) # Merge the output of the convNet with your added features by concatenation merged_model = keras.layers.concatenate([first_part_output, other_data_input]) # Predict on the output (say you want a binary classification) predictions = Dense(1, activation ='sigmoid')(merged_model) # Now create the model model = Model(inputs=[image_input, other_data_input], outputs=predictions) # see your model model.summary() # compile it model.compile(optimizer='adamax', loss='binary_crossentropy') 对象时在列表中指定它们。当你适合它时,也要在列表中单独喂它们。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


convolution_model = Flatten()(convolution_model) # if it wasn't flattened before
static_features_input = Input(shape=(static_features_size,))
blended_features = merge([convolution_model, static_features_input], mode='concat')
... here you are defining a blending model with blended features as input
