
时间:2017-03-02 13:31:12

标签: algorithm combinatorics


Name            Price      Units in storage
Supplier #1     17$        1 Unit
Supplier #2     18$        3 Units
Supplier #3     23$        5 Units



如果我想购买4个单位,最好的价格来自供应商#1 供应商#2 ,而不是从供应商#3

(17+5)*1 + (18+5)*3 = 91                 <--- Cheaper
            23   *4 = 92

但是,如果我要购买5个单位,那么从供应商3 获得所有单位给我的价格会比从更便宜的供应商获得更好的价格,其余来自更昂贵的供应商

(17+5)*1 + (18+5)*3 + (23+5)*1 = 119
                       23   *5 = 115$    <--- Cheaper



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

comments所述,您可以使用图搜索算法,例如Dijkstra's algorithm。也可以使用A*,但为了做到这一点,您需要一个良好的启发式功能。使用最低价格可能有用,但就目前而言,让我们坚持使用Dijkstra。

图表中的一个节点表示为(cost, num, counts)的元组,其中cost是费用,显然,num购买的商品总数,counts每个卖家的商品数量细分。如果cost是元组中的第一个元素,则成本最低的项目将始终位于heap的前面。如果该卖家的当前计数低于最低值,我们可以通过添加费用来处理“额外费用”,并在达到该最低值后再次减去该费用。


import heapq

def find_best(goal, num_cheap, pay_extra, price, items):
    # state is tuple (cost, num, state)
    heap = [(0, 0, tuple((seller, 0) for seller in price))]
    visited = set()

    while heap:
        cost, num, counts = heapq.heappop(heap)
        if (cost, num, counts) in visited:
            continue  # already seen this combination
        visited.add((cost, num, counts))

        if num == goal:  # found one!
            yield (cost, num, counts)

        for seller, count in counts:
            if count < items[seller]:
                new_cost = cost + price[seller]  # increase cost
                if count + 1 < num_cheap: new_cost += pay_extra  # pay extra :(
                if count + 1 == num_cheap: new_cost -= (num_cheap - 1) * pay_extra  # discount! :)
                new_counts = tuple((s, c + 1 if s == seller else c) for s, c in counts)
                heapq.heappush(heap, (new_cost, num+1, new_counts))  # push to heap


price = {1: 17, 2: 18, 3: 23}
items = {1: 1, 2: 3, 3: 5}
for best in find_best(5, 4, 5, price, items):


(114, 5, ((1, 1), (2, 0), (3, 4)))
(115, 5, ((1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 5)))
(115, 5, ((1, 0), (2, 1), (3, 4)))
(119, 5, ((1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 1)))
(124, 5, ((1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 2)))
(125, 5, ((1, 0), (2, 3), (3, 2)))
(129, 5, ((1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 3)))
(130, 5, ((1, 0), (2, 2), (3, 3)))


            if count < items[seller]:
                def buy(n, extra):  # inner function to avoid code duplication
                    new_cost = cost + (price[seller] + extra) * n
                    new_counts = tuple((s, c + n if s == seller else c) for s, c in counts)
                    heapq.heappush(heap, (new_cost, num + n, new_counts))

                if count == 0 and items[seller] >= num_cheap:
                    buy(num_cheap, 0)     # buy num_cheap in bulk
                if count < num_cheap - 1: # do not buy single item \
                    buy(1, pay_extra)     #   when just 1 lower than num_cheap!
                if count >= num_cheap:
                    buy(1, 0)             # buy with no extra cost

更新2:此外,由于项目被添加到“路径”的顺序无关紧要,我们可以将卖家限制为不在当前卖家之前的卖家。我们可以将for seller, count in counts:循环添加到他的:

        used_sellers = [i for i, (_, c) in enumerate(counts) if c > 0]
        min_sellers = used_sellers[0] if used_sellers else 0
        for i in range(min_sellers, len(counts)):
            seller, count = counts[i]

通过这两项改进,探索图中的状态会像这样查找next(find_best(5, 4, 5, price, items))(点击放大):

enter image description here

请注意,目标状态“低于”许多州,成本更差。这是因为那些是已添加到队列中的所有状态,并且对于每个状态,前驱状态仍然优于最佳状态,因此它们被扩展并添加到但从未实际从队列中弹出。其中许多可能通过使用带有items_left * min_price等启发函数的A *来修剪掉。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

这是一个Bounded Knapsack问题。您希望在价格和数量限制的情况下优化(最小化)成本。

了解0-1 KnapSack问题here。给定供应商的数量只有1个。

了解如何扩展给定数量的0-1 KnapSack问题(称为Bounded Knapsackhere

Bounded KnapSack的更详细讨论是here
