
时间:2017-03-02 03:50:06

标签: r roxygen2

使用 roxygen2 框架如何从其他软件包导入数据集,执行更改,并将数据集重新导出为我自己的软件包中的数据集? < / p>


例如,假设我要从 tidytext 导入stop_words数据集,删除SMART类型词典并重新导出为stop_words2。有没有办法做到这一点?我知道当data(package = 'MyPackage')显示重新导出的数据集时,此解决方案有效。

我的尝试不起作用(data(package =即使可以访问数据也不起作用):

#' Various lexicons for English stop words
#' English stop words from three lexicons, as a data frame.
#' The onix sets are pulled from the tm package. Note
#' that words with non-ASCII characters have been removed.  THis
#' is a reimport from the \pkg{tidytext} package's \code{stop_words}
#' data set but with the SMART lexicon filtered out.
#' @format A data frame with 578 rows and 2 variables:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{word}{An English word}
#'  \item{lexicon}{The source of the stop word. Either "onix" or "snowball"}
#'  }
#' @usage data(sam_i_am2)
#' @export
stop_words2 <- tidytext::stop_words[tidytext::stop_words[['lexicon']] != 'SMART', ]

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


但是,如果您放弃此目标,那么仍然可以访问新数据对象,就像是“延迟加载”数据集一样。但是请注意,使用data(stop_words2, package = "MyPackage")不能使用。

#' Various lexicons for English stop words
#' English stop words from three lexicons, as a data frame. The onix sets are
#' pulled from the tm package. Note that words with non-ASCII characters have
#' been removed.  This is a reimport from the \pkg{tidytext} package's
#' \code{stop_words} data set but with the SMART lexicon filtered out.
#' @inherit tidytext::stop_words title description source references
#' @export
stop_words2 <- tidytext::stop_words[tidytext::stop_words[["lexicon"]] != "SMART", ]

请注意 roxygen2 对回收原始文档组件的使用。

考虑使用 stopwords package ,其中包含SMART单词以及更多内容。