首先,我很抱歉我的英语。 我在Pycharm中遇到了编码UTF-8符号的问题。但是只有当我在字符串中使用变量时它们才会出现。 例如:
# coding=UTF-8
num1 = float(input("Digite um número: "))
num2 = float(input("Digite outro número: "))
division = num1 / num2
remnant = num1 % num2
print(num1, " divided by ", num2, " is equal to: ", division)
print("The remainder of the division of: ", num1, "and", num2, " equal ", resto)
#Above the result of the symbols are in "\ xc3 \ xa9)" in place of "é"
#Although when I type only the "é", it returns the right
Print ("testing the" "is" ")