来自文件的gnuplot xrange

时间:2017-03-01 13:14:49

标签: datetime plot gnuplot


"925";"2017-02-22 06:49:29";"68";"69";"56";"76";"88";"95";"96";"104";"94";"177";"85";"80";"84";"92";"109";"58";"45";"49";"55";"13620";"132";"105";"54";"57"
"926";"2017-02-22 06:49:34";"69";"68";"56";"76";"89";"95";"97";"104";"95";"177";"85";"79";"84";"92";"117";"58";"125";"49";"56";"13620";"132";"105";"54";"58"
"927";"2017-02-22 06:49:40";"68";"68";"56";"76";"88";"94";"96";"104";"95";"177";"85";"79";"85";"92";"90";"58";"465";"50";"57";"13620";"132";"105";"54";"58"
"928";"2017-02-22 06:49:46";"68";"68";"57";"76";"88";"94";"96";"105";"94";"178";"84";"79";"185";"93";"104";"58";"46";"50";"57";"13620";"132";"105";"54";"58"
"929";"2017-02-22 06:49:52";"69";"69";"56";"76";"88";"94";"96";"105";"94";"178";"84";"80";"185";"93";"104";"58";"46";"50";"57";"13620";"132";"105";"54";"58"

根据" id"绘制温度。工作正常,但将其连接到时间戳还没有工作。 我将xdate的格式设置为time并指定如下格式:

set xdata time
set timefmt "\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\””
#set xrange ['"2017-02-23 05:00"':'"2017-02-23 17:00"']

set tics font",8"
set link x2
set x2tics format "%d.%m.%Y\n%H:%M" time offset 0,-1
set xtics format "" 


set xrange [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback  # (currently ["\"1970-01-01 00:15:00??":"\"1970-01-01 03:00:00??"] )

我想从我的文件更改为实际时间戳。 如果我手动设置,

set xrange ['"2017-02-23 05:00"':'"2017-02-23 17:00"']




plot    raw_temperatures_datafilename every ::csvminline::csvmaxline using ($1):($12/10):x2tic(2)
"wrx_temperature1.1.gp", line 68: warning: add_tic_user: list sort error




我附上了我当前情节的照片。 Here


    #raw_temperatures_datafilename = './../../../../measuring_data/wrx01_data_20170221x0X/20170221x00/raw_temperatures.csv'
raw_temperatures_datafilename = 'raw_temperatures.csv'
set datafile separator ";"

## 20170221x01 (...6020): Prozessbereich
# csvminline = 500
# csvmaxline = 3300
csvminline = -1
csvmaxline = -1

linewidth = 0.8

set style line 1 lw linewidth lt rgb "#CC0000"
set style line 2 lw linewidth lt rgb "#003399"
set style line 3 lw linewidth lt rgb "#009900"
set style line 4 lw linewidth lt rgb "#000000"
set style line 5 lw linewidth lt rgb "#0099FF"
set style line 6 lw linewidth lt rgb "#CC9900"

# set key autotitle columnhead
# unset key

### output
## use svg
 set terminal svg size 1920,1200 fname 'Verdana' fsize 8
 set terminal png size 2400,1400 font 'Verdana,8'
 set output raw_temperatures_datafilename.'.png'
## use screen
#set terminal wxt size 1800,900 enhanced font 'Verdana,8' persist

set key right top
set key box opaque
set grid
set lmargin 10
set rmargin 10

set multiplot # layout 3,1

set size 1, 0.7
set origin 0, 0.3
set bmargin 0

set title "Temperaturverlauf\n[Temperatur]=grad Celsius"

## first graph
set xdata time
set timefmt "\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\""
# set xrange ['"2017-02-23 05:00"':'"2017-02-23 17:00"']
set tics font",8"
set link x2
set x2tics format "%d.%m.%Y\n%H:%M" time offset 0,-1
set format x ""
set yrange [0:550]
set ytics 0,50,500
set ylabel "Reaktor und Prozess"
plot    raw_temperatures_datafilename every ::csvminline::csvmaxline using ($1):($12/10) title 'MARTY unten; E17 [10]' with lines ls 1, \
        raw_temperatures_datafilename every ::csvminline::csvmaxline using ($1):($23/10) title 'MARTY oben; E10 [21]' with lines ls 2, \
        raw_temperatures_datafilename every ::csvminline::csvmaxline using ($1):($11/10) title 'Separator; E16 0x09 [9]' with lines ls 3, \
        raw_temperatures_datafilename every ::csvminline::csvmaxline using ($1):($16/10) title 'Separator Zuf¸hrung; E15 0x06 [14]' with lines ls 1, \
        raw_temperatures_datafilename every ::csvminline::csvmaxline using ($1):($17/10) title 'Separator Abgang; 0x0D [15]' with lines ls 5, \
        raw_temperatures_datafilename every ::csvminline::csvmaxline using ($1):($18/10) title 'Br¸cke; E20 0x29 [16]' with lines ls 4, \
        raw_temperatures_datafilename every ::csvminline::csvmaxline using ($1):($3/10) title 'Fackelrohr; E19 0x00 [1]' with lines ls 4

#raw_temperatures_datafilename using ($1):($18/10) title '[16] 0x29 E20 Br¸cke' with lines, \
#raw_temperatures_datafilename using ($1):($3/10) title '[1] 0x00 E19 Fackelrohr' with lines, \
#raw_temperatures_datafilename using ($1):($4/10) title '[2] 0x01' with lines, \
#raw_temperatures_datafilename using ($1):($5/10) title '[3] 0x02' with lines, \
#raw_temperatures_datafilename using ($1):($6/10) title '[4] 0x20' with lines, \
#raw_temperatures_datafilename using ($1):($7/10) title '[5] 0x22' with lines, \
#raw_temperatures_datafilename using ($1):($8/10) title '[6] 0x23' with lines, \
#raw_temperatures_datafilename using ($1):($9/10) title '[7] 0x25' with lines, \
#raw_temperatures_datafilename using ($1):($15/10) title '[13] 0x27' with lines, \
#raw_temperatures_datafilename using ($1):($13/10) title '[11] 0x28' with lines, \
#raw_temperatures_datafilename using ($1):($14/10) title '[12] 0x26' with lines, \
#raw_temperatures_datafilename using ($1):($10/10) title '[8] 0x07 Separator Zuf¸hrung' with lines, \
#raw_temperatures_datafilename using ($1):($21/10) title '[19] 0x0E Eintrag' with lines
#raw_temperatures_datafilename using ($1):($24/10) title '[22] ' with lines

unset x2tics

## second graph
unset title
set size 1.0, 0.15
set origin 0.0, 0.15
set tmargin 0
set yrange [0:240]
set ytics 0,50,220
set ylabel "Prozessgas"
plot    raw_temperatures_datafilename every ::csvminline::csvmaxline using ($1):($19/10) title 'Prozessgas ein; 0x10 [17]' with lines ls 1, \
        raw_temperatures_datafilename every ::csvminline::csvmaxline using ($1):($20/10) title 'Prozessgas aus; 0x11 [18]' with lines ls 2

## third graph
set bmargin
set size 1.0, 0.15
set origin 0.0, 0.0
set tmargin 0
set xtics format "%H:%M" time
set yrange [0:55]
set ytics (0,10,20,30,40,50)
set ylabel "Kondensation"
plot    raw_temperatures_datafilename every ::csvminline::csvmaxline using ($1):($25/10) title 'K¸hlwasser ein; 0x16 [23]' with lines ls 1, \
        raw_temperatures_datafilename every ::csvminline::csvmaxline using ($1):($26/10) title 'K¸hlwasser aus; 0x17 [24]' with lines ls 2, \
        raw_temperatures_datafilename every ::csvminline::csvmaxline using ($1):($22/10) title 'Sensor K¸hlwasserbeh‰lter; [20]' with lines ls 3

unset multiplot

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


set terminal pngcairo size 960,400
set output "times.png"

set datafile separator ";"
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
set format x "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

# adjust the plot on the picture
set lmargin at screen 0.1
set rmargin at screen 0.9
set xtics 10
# end adjust

plot "raw_temperatures.csv" u 2:3 w l


x date and time

我不确定您的脚本,但是您尝试过类似... using ($2):($19/10) ...而不是... using ($1):($19/10) ...的内容吗?您可能只是尝试将第一列(id列)作为时间戳读取。在这种情况下,gnuplot会将id解释为从1970-01-01 00:00:00开始的秒数。



set terminal pngcairo size 960,400
set output "timesc.png"

# datafile
set datafile separator ";"
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

# x1 axis (bottom)
set xdata time
set format x "%Y-%m-%d\n%H:%M:%S"
set xtics  10    # A tic every 10 seconds.

# x2 axis (top)
set x2data time
set format x2 "%Y-%m-%d\n%H:%M:%S"
set x2tics 10 offset 0,-1  # A tic every 10 seconds. Small adjustment to fit on screen.
# set x2range ...

# plot adjustments
set rmargin at screen 0.93

plot "raw_temperatures.csv" u 2:3 w l lw 2


x labels mirrored


plot "raw_temperatures.csv" u 2:9 w l lw 2 axes x2y1, \
     "raw_temperatures.csv" u 2:8 w l lw 2