
时间:2017-02-28 15:09:27

标签: c io


int * myinput = "this is my input"
FILE ** io = external_program("otherprogram arg1 arg2");
char c;
fprintf(io[0],myinput); // Writes my input to the programs stdin
while((c = fgetc(io[1])) != EOF) {
    printf("I just read %c from otherprogram!",c);



FILE ** io = external_program("gcc -xc -");
FILE * output = open(output_file_path); // Program's own output

// ... generate C code, writing to io[0] ...

// Now write the output to our own output file
while((c = fgetc(io[1])) != EOF) {
close (output);

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

你需要两个管道,一个用于管道输入到孩子的stdin另一个用于阅读它stdout。在类似UNIX / Linux的环境中,创建子进程可能如下所示:

FILE    **p2open( const char *cmd, FILE **fpbuf )
    FILE    **result;
    int     fd1[2], fd2[2];
    int     ispipe1 = ERROR, ispipe2 = ERROR;
    pid_t   cpid;

    // open two pipes: Pipe1: parent reads, pipe2_: paretn writes

    if( (ispipe1 = pipe( fd1 )) == -1 ||
        (ispipe2 = pipe( fd2 )) == -1   )
            return NULL;

    switch( cpid = fork() ) {
    case -1:
            return NULL;

    case 0:                        /* Child                   */
            dup2( fd2[0], 0 );
            dup2( fd1[1], 1 );
            close( fd1[0] ); close( fd1[1] );
            close( fd2[0] ); close( fd2[1] );

            execlp( "/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", cmd, NULL );

    default:                        /* parent                       */
            if( (fpbuf[0] = fdopen( fd1[0], "r" )) == NULL ||
                (fpbuf[1] = fdopen( fd2[1], "w" )) == NULL   )
                    result = NULL;
            } else {
                    result = fpbuf;

    if( ispipe1 != ERROR ) {
            close( fd1[1] );
            if( !result )           close( fd1[0] );
    if( ispipe2 != ERROR ) {
            close( fd2[0] );
            if( !result )           close( fd2[1] );
    return result;


 FILE *pipefp[2];

 if( p2open( "mycmd", pipefp ) != NULL ) {
      // now you have pipefp[0] for readinf pipefp[1] for writing



int main(int argc, char *argv[] )
    FILE    *fp[2];
    int     c;

    if( p2open( "cat", fp ) != NULL ) {
            fputs( "go!\n", fp[1] );
            fclose( fp[1] );
            while( (c = fgetc( fp[0] )) != EOF ) {
                    fputc( c, stdout );


答案 1 :(得分:0)

这超越了vanilla C并进入了进程间通信,这是特定于平台的(也就是说,Windows的答案可能与* nix的答案不同)。

这是一个使用管道的简单* nix示例(取自Steve和Kay Robbins现在的绝版“Practical Unix Programming”):

 * The following includes are specific to *nix
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

int main( int argc, char **argv )
  int fd[2]; // file descriptors for pipe
  pid_t childpid;

  pipe( fd );

  if ( (childpid = fork()) == 0 )
    // this is the child process
    dup2( fd[1], STDOUT_FILENO );
    close( fd[0] );
    close( fd[1] );
    execl( "/bin/ls", "ls", "-l", argv[1], NULL );
    perror( "The exec of ls failed" );
    // this is the parent process
    dup2( fd[0], STDIN_FILENO );
    close( fd[0] );
    close( fd[1] );
    execl( "/usr/bin/sort", "sort", "-n", "+4", NULL );
    perror( "The exec of sort failed" );

  return 0;

这基本上是shell命令ls -l <path> | sort -n +4的C实现。使用ls描述符表和sort命令将fd的标准输出提供给pipe的标准输入。


答案 2 :(得分:-1)

void main()
    char ext_prog[]="prog name"; //your external program
    char arguments[]="args > file.txt"; //arguments
    strcat(ext_prog,arguments); //join the strings to ext_prog
    system(ext_prog); //execute on shell

