import numpy as np
import math
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
colors = np.array([[180, 0, 0], [0, 25, 200], [10, 150, 45], [100,100,100], [24,24,24]]) #colors to be mapped to each seed point
dim = 512
points = np.array([[50, 50], [150, 350], [400, 150],[256, 256],[300,200]])
metric = 'euclidean'
def closest_point_euclidean(point):
minimum = float('inf')
closest_point = None
i = None
for index, p in enumerate(points):
distance = round(((point[0] - p[0])**2 + (point[1] - p[1])**2)**(1/2))
if distance < minimum:
minimum = distance
closest_point = p
i = index
return i
def closest_point_manhattan(point):
minimum = float('inf')
closest_point = None
i = None
for index, p in enumerate(points):
distance = abs(point[0] - p[0]) + abs(point[1] - p[1])
if distance < minimum:
minimum = distance
closest_point = p
i = index
return i
def main():
plot = np.zeros((dim, dim, 3), 'uint8')
for i in range(plot.shape[0]):
for j in range(plot.shape[1]):
if metric == 'manhattan':
closest_point_index = closest_point_manhattan([i,j])
elif metric == 'euclidean':
closest_point_index = closest_point_euclidean([i,j])
plot[i][j] = colors[closest_point_index]
for p in points:
plot[p[0],p[1]] = [255,255,255] # set seed points to be white
r = 4
img = Image.fromarray(plot)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
for p in points:
draw.ellipse([p[0] - r, p[1] - r, p[0] + r, p[1] + r])
if __name__ == "__main__":