'这是一张“桌子”。 “桌子”上有一个“苹果”。
答案 0 :(得分:3)
let sentence = "This is \"table\". There is an \"apple\" on the \"table\""
let pattern = "\"[^\"]+\"" //everything between " and "
let replacement = "____"
let newSentence = sentence.replacingOccurrences(
of: pattern,
with: replacement,
options: .regularExpression
print(newSentence) // This is ____. There is an ____ on the ____
let sentence = "This is table. There is \"an\" apple on \"the\" table."
let regularExpression = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "\"[^\"]+\"", options: [])
let matches = regularExpression.matches(
in: sentence,
options: [],
range: NSMakeRange(0, sentence.characters.count)
var newSentence = sentence
for match in matches {
let replacement = Array(repeating: "_", count: match.range.length - 2).joined()
newSentence = (newSentence as NSString).replacingCharacters(in: match.range, with: "\"" + replacement + "\"")
print(newSentence) // This is table. There is "__" apple on "___" table.
答案 1 :(得分:0)
let arr1 = [
"_id": "PU2-TEXT BOOK",
"dispatchcount": 2,
"totalDispatchValue": 5810,
"totalDiscountValue": 150
"_id": "PU2-Mathematics Part - 1 Text Book",
"dispatchcount": 1,
"totalDispatchValue": 4131,
"totalDiscountValue": 150
"_id": "Boys White & Blue Striped Half Shirt",
"dispatchcount": 1,
"totalDispatchValue": 4131,
"totalDiscountValue": 150
let arr2 = [
"_id": "PU2-TEXT BOOK",
"pendingcount": 2,
"totalPendingValue": 14157,
"totalPendingDiscountValue": 1518
"_id": "PU2-Accountancy Part - 2 Text Book",
"pendingcount": 1,
"totalPendingValue": 9002,
"totalPendingDiscountValue": 834
let restProperties = { dispatchcount: 0, totalDispatchValue: 0, totalDiscountValue: 0, pendingcount: 0, totalPendingValue: 0, totalPendingDiscountValue: 0 };
let uniqueArr2 = new Map(arr2.map((s)=>([s._id, s])));
arr1 = arr1.map(({_id, ...rest}) => ({_id, ...restProperties, ...rest, ...uniqueArr2.get(_id) }));
const other = arr2.filter(f => !arr1.some(s=> s._id == f._id)).map(s => ({...restProperties, ...s }));
console.log([...arr1, ...other]);