
时间:2017-02-26 15:10:49

标签: c++ cython


我正在一个项目中使用相应的Cython代码包装一些C ++函数和类。


# meta_edm.pyx
def integrate( self , meta_beta , num_MC_steps , ground_truth_partition , size_partition_pool = None , verbose = False ):

    cdef Partition * ptr_ground_truth_partition
    cdef RunningStats * ptr_rs_NMI_gt
    cdef RunningStats * ptr_rs_AMI_gt
    cdef RunningStats * ptr_rs_NMI_sg
    cdef RunningStats * ptr_rs_AMI_sg
    cdef RunningStats * ptr_rs_energy
    cdef int l
    cdef int ii

    ptr_ground_truth_partition = new Partition( len( ground_truth_partition ) )
    ptr_rs_NMI_gt = new RunningStats()
    ptr_rs_AMI_gt = new RunningStats()
    ptr_rs_NMI_sg = new RunningStats()
    ptr_rs_AMI_sg = new RunningStats()
    ptr_rs_energy = new RunningStats()

    for l , part in enumerate( ground_truth_partition ):
        for i in part:
            ii = self._edm.node_enum( i )
            # --- PAY ATTENTION TO THIS LINE ---
            ptr_ground_truth_partition.change_label_of_element( ii , l )

    if size_partition_pool is None:
        size_partition_pool = self._c_edm.G().num_nodes()

    self._c_meta_edm.integrate( meta_beta , num_MC_steps , deref( ptr_ground_truth_partition ) , size_partition_pool , deref( ptr_rs_NMI_gt ) , deref( ptr_rs_AMI_gt ) , deref( ptr_rs_NMI_sg ) , deref( ptr_rs_AMI_sg ) , deref( ptr_rs_energy ) , verbose )

    rs_NMI_gt = {}
    rs_AMI_gt = {}
    rs_NMI_sg = {}
    rs_AMI_sg = {}
    rs_energy = {}

    rs_NMI_gt[ 'mean' ] = ptr_rs_NMI_gt.mean();
    rs_AMI_gt[ 'mean' ] = ptr_rs_AMI_gt.mean();
    rs_NMI_sg[ 'mean' ] = ptr_rs_NMI_sg.mean();
    rs_AMI_sg[ 'mean' ] = ptr_rs_AMI_sg.mean();
    rs_energy[ 'mean' ] = ptr_rs_energy.mean();

    rs_NMI_gt[ 'std' ] = ptr_rs_NMI_gt.std();
    rs_AMI_gt[ 'std' ] = ptr_rs_AMI_gt.std();
    rs_NMI_sg[ 'std' ] = ptr_rs_NMI_sg.std();
    rs_AMI_sg[ 'std' ] = ptr_rs_AMI_sg.std();
    rs_energy[ 'std' ] = ptr_rs_energy.std();

    rs_NMI_gt[ 'sem' ] = ptr_rs_NMI_gt.sem();
    rs_AMI_gt[ 'sem' ] = ptr_rs_AMI_gt.sem();
    rs_NMI_sg[ 'sem' ] = ptr_rs_NMI_sg.sem();
    rs_AMI_sg[ 'sem' ] = ptr_rs_AMI_sg.sem();
    rs_energy[ 'sem' ] = ptr_rs_energy.sem();

    rs_NMI_gt[ 'min' ] = ptr_rs_NMI_gt.min();
    rs_AMI_gt[ 'min' ] = ptr_rs_AMI_gt.min();
    rs_NMI_sg[ 'min' ] = ptr_rs_NMI_sg.min();
    rs_AMI_sg[ 'min' ] = ptr_rs_AMI_sg.min();
    rs_energy[ 'min' ] = ptr_rs_energy.min();

    rs_NMI_gt[ 'max' ] = ptr_rs_NMI_gt.max();
    rs_AMI_gt[ 'max' ] = ptr_rs_AMI_gt.max();
    rs_NMI_sg[ 'max' ] = ptr_rs_NMI_sg.max();
    rs_AMI_sg[ 'max' ] = ptr_rs_AMI_sg.max();
    rs_energy[ 'max' ] = ptr_rs_energy.max();

    rs_NMI_gt[ 'num_samples' ] = ptr_rs_NMI_gt.num_samples();
    rs_AMI_gt[ 'num_samples' ] = ptr_rs_AMI_gt.num_samples();
    rs_NMI_sg[ 'num_samples' ] = ptr_rs_NMI_sg.num_samples();
    rs_AMI_sg[ 'num_samples' ] = ptr_rs_AMI_sg.num_samples();
    rs_energy[ 'num_samples' ] = ptr_rs_energy.num_samples();

    del ptr_rs_energy;
    del ptr_rs_AMI_sg;
    del ptr_rs_NMI_sg;
    del ptr_rs_AMI_gt;
    del ptr_rs_NMI_gt;
    del ptr_ground_truth_partition;

    return rs_NMI_gt , rs_AMI_gt , rs_NMI_sg , rs_AMI_sg , rs_energy


# meta_edm.pxd
cdef extern from "cpp_partition.h":
    cdef cppclass Partition:

        Partition( int size ) except +

        int  size()
        int  num_active_labels()
        int  label_count( int l )
        int  total_count()
        bool is_label_active( int l )
        int  label_of_element( int i )
        void change_label_of_element( int i , int new_l )




cythoning ExternalDegreeModel/meta_edm.pyx to ExternalDegreeModel/meta_edm.cpp

Error compiling Cython file:
        ptr_rs_energy = new RunningStats()

        for l , part in enumerate( ground_truth_partition ):
            for i in part:
                ii = self._edm.node_enum( i )
                ptr_ground_truth_partition.change_label_of_element( ii , l )

ExternalDegreeModel/meta_edm.pyx:161:42: Object of type 'Partition' has no attribute 'change_label_of_element'
building 'ExternalDegreeModel.meta_edm' extension    

我不确定Python是否将ptr_ground_truth_partition解释为Python对象,或者它是否将其解释为指向C ++对象的指针。但是,无论如何,这很奇怪,因为Partition似乎被正确地声明为meta_edm.pxd文件中的C ++类及其成员函数change_label_of_element


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