
时间:2017-02-26 12:35:46

标签: html css css-position


问题在于按钮: 我希望他们相对于桌子并站在它后面,但是当桌子宽度大于屏幕时,我不希望它们被隐藏。



@SystemSetup(extension = IwacockpitsConstants.EXTENSIONNAME)
public class IwaCockpitsSystemSetup{

    @SystemSetup(process = SystemSetup.Process.INIT, type = SystemSetup.Type.ESSENTIAL)
    public void method_1(){

        //will be executed during the initialization process when the essential data for extension iwacockpits is created.


    @SystemSetup(process = SystemSetup.Process.INIT, type = SystemSetup.Type.PROJECT)
    public void method_2(){

        //will be executed during the initialization process while creation of project data for extension iwacockpits.


    @SystemSetup(process = SystemSetup.Process.UPDATE, type = SystemSetup.Type.ESSENTIAL)
    public void method_3(){

        //will be executed during the update process when the essential data for extension iwacockpits is created.


    @SystemSetup(process = SystemSetup.Process.UPDATE, type = SystemSetup.Type.PROJECT)
    public void method_4){

        //will be executed during the initialization process when the project data for extension iwacockpits is created.


    @SystemSetup(process = SystemSetup.Process.ALL, type = SystemSetup.Type.ALL)
    public void method_5){

        //will be executed during creation of project data or essential data in the same extension, in both init and update.




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1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


<强> HTML

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               <th rowspan="1" colspan="1" column-no="2" style="max-width: 20%;text-align:left">Pass Score</th>
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<强> CSS

.dataTables_wrapper {
position: relative;
clear: both;
zoom: 1;
.dataTables_wrapper:after {
visibility: hidden;
display: block;
content: "";
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display: inline-block;
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