
时间:2017-02-26 04:51:33

标签: c++ c++11 variadic-templates template-meta-programming

我设法解决了有关初始化静态字符数组的上一个问题,请在此处询问:Initializing a static char based on template parameter


//static char arr[N] = {[0]='0', [1]='x', [N-1]='\0',};
// ideally want this, but not currently implemented in g++

template <char... chars>
struct zero_str {};

template <unsigned N, char... chars>
struct seq_gen { using type = typename seq_gen<N-1, '0', chars...>::type; };

template <char... chars>
struct seq_gen<0, chars...> { using type = zero_str<chars...>; };

template <size_t N>
struct zero_gen { using type = typename seq_gen<N-1, '0', '\0'>::type; };

template <>
struct zero_gen<0> { using type = zero_str<'\0'>; };

template<size_t N> using strsize = typename zero_gen<N>::type;

template<typename T, char... chars>
const char* n2hexHelper(T val, zero_str<chars...>)
    thread_local static char hexstr[] = {'0', 'x', chars...};
    /* convert to hex */
    return hexstr;

template<typename T>
const char* n2hex(T val)
    return n2hexHelper<T> (val, strsize<sizeof(T)*2>() );

int main()
    std::cout << n2hex(1) << std::endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


template<typename T, char... chars>
const char* n2HexIdeal(T val)
    thread_local static char hexstr[] = {'0', 'x', chars...}; //how to get chars... ?
    /* convert to hex */
    return hexstr;

我有两个主要问题。 1)参数包扩展可能是我理想的情况吗?或者是强制编译器推导我的char的唯一方法是将它用作函数参数? 2)我对模板元编程不太熟悉,所以我想知道我的上述解决方案是否存在任何明显的错误或惯用错误。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


template <typename, typename>
struct n2hexH;

template <typename T, char ... Chs>
struct n2hexH<T, zero_str<Chs...>>
   static char * func (T const & val)
      thread_local static char hexstr[] = {'0', 'x', Chs...};
      /* convert to hex */
      return hexstr;


template<typename T>
const char* n2hex(T val)
 { return n2hexH<T, strsize<(sizeof(T)<<1U)>>::func(val); }


#define n2hex(X) n2hexH<decltype(X), strsize<(sizeof(X)<<1U)>>::func(X)

答案 1 :(得分:1)

这在C ++ 14中是可行的。

template<class=void, std::size_t...Is>
auto index_over( std::index_sequence<Is...> ) {
  return [](auto&& f)->decltype(auto) {
    return decltype(f)(f)( std::integral_constant<std::size_t, Is>{}... );
template<std::size_t N>
auto index_over( std::integral_constant< std::size_t, N > ={} ) {
  return index_over( std::make_index_sequence<N>{} );



template<typename T>
const char * toStr(T num)
  thread_local static
  auto str = index_over<sizeof(T)*3>()
  ([&](auto...Is)->std::array<char, 3+3*sizeof(T)> {
    return {{ '0', 'x',
  // do something with str
  return str.data();


这需要自动变异lambda,这就是它在C ++ 11中不起作用的原因。

live example