运行exe - C ++时找不到入口点

时间:2017-02-25 02:10:00

标签: c++

我正在尝试运行包含C ++代码的exe,但它一直给我一个“未找到入口点”错误。



#include <iostream> //for cout, cin
#include <iomanip> // for setw, fixed, setprecision() manipulators
#include <fstream> //for file input/output
#include <string.h> //for string types usage
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

Structure to store the date
struct Date
int month;
int day;
int year;

Structure to store Vehicle Options
struct Option
string seatMaterial;
int wheelSize;
string stereo;
string winterPackage;

Structure to store Vehicles data
struct Vehicle
int ID;
string name;
int cylinder;
string trans;

Date manufDate;
Date shipDate;

Option vehicleOptions;

char receiverFlag; // I or D

//for individuals
string ind_first, ind_last, ind_address;

//for dealers
int deal_zip;


Vehicle* readVehicleFromFile(int &totalVehicles);
void menu(Vehicle *vehicle, int totalVehicle);
void printHorizontalLine(int width, char border_char );
void printVehicle(Vehicle *vehicle, int totalVehicle, char flags);

* Entry point
int main()
Vehicle *allVehicle;
int totalVehicle = 0;
allVehicle = readVehicleFromFile(totalVehicle);

if( allVehicle == NULL )
    cout << "allVehicle is NULL" << endl;
    return 0;

printVehicle(allVehicle, totalVehicle, ' ');
menu(allVehicle, totalVehicle);

return 0;

* Responsible for reading Vehicle records from vehicles.txt into Vehicle     array of structs
* @param totalVehicle: reference variable which post execution, contains size of Vehicle
* @param return: pointer pointing to the array of structs containing Vehicle data
Vehicle* readVehicleFromFile(int &totalVehicle)
char delimiter;
Vehicle *allVehiclePointer;
//input stream for Vehicle data
ifstream allVehicleInFile;

//open Vehicles file

//error handling in case file does not exist - start
if( !allVehicleInFile )
    cout << "Error opening vehicles.txt" << endl;
    return NULL;
//error handling in case file does not exist - end
cout << "Success opening vehicles.txt" << endl;
allVehicleInFile >> totalVehicle;
allVehiclePointer = new Vehicle[totalVehicle];

cout << "totalVehicles: " << totalVehicle << endl;

for(int i = 0; i < totalVehicle; i++)
    allVehicleInFile >> allVehiclePointer[i].ID;
    allVehicleInFile >> allVehiclePointer[i].name;
    allVehicleInFile >> allVehiclePointer[i].cylinder;
    allVehicleInFile >> allVehiclePointer[i].trans;
    //get dates
    allVehicleInFile >> allVehiclePointer[i].manufDate.month;
    allVehicleInFile >> delimiter; //delimiter = ':'
    allVehicleInFile >> allVehiclePointer[i].manufDate.day;
    allVehicleInFile >> delimiter;
    allVehicleInFile >> allVehiclePointer[i].manufDate.year;

    allVehicleInFile >> allVehiclePointer[i].shipDate.month;
    allVehicleInFile >> delimiter;
    allVehicleInFile >> allVehiclePointer[i].shipDate.day;
    allVehicleInFile >> delimiter;
    allVehicleInFile >> allVehiclePointer[i].shipDate.year;

int dummyID = 0;
//read vehicle options
for (int j = 0; j < totalVehicle; j++){
    allVehicleInFile >> dummyID;
   // if (dummyID == 20)
     //   dummyID = 0;
    allVehicleInFile >>      allVehiclePointer[dummyID].vehicleOptions.seatMaterial;
    allVehicleInFile >> allVehiclePointer[dummyID].vehicleOptions.wheelSize;
    allVehicleInFile >> allVehiclePointer[dummyID].vehicleOptions.stereo;
    allVehicleInFile >> allVehiclePointer[dummyID].vehicleOptions.winterPackage;

//read owner information
for (int k = 0; k < totalVehicle; k++){
    allVehicleInFile >> dummyID;
    //if (dummyID == 20)
      //dummyID = 0;
    allVehicleInFile >> allVehiclePointer[dummyID].receiverFlag;

    if (allVehiclePointer[dummyID].receiverFlag == 'D') //this is a dealer vehicle
        allVehicleInFile >> allVehiclePointer[dummyID].deal_zip;
    else{ // this is an individual's vehicle
        allVehicleInFile >> allVehiclePointer[dummyID].ind_first;
        allVehicleInFile >> allVehiclePointer[dummyID].ind_last;
        getline(allVehicleInFile, allVehiclePointer[dummyID].ind_address);

return allVehiclePointer;

 * Responsible for printing menu and handling user selection
 * @param Vehicle: pointer pointing to the array of structs containing Hospital Personnel data
 * @param totalVehicle: size of Vehicle

void menu(Vehicle *vehicle, int totalVehicle)
int input;
while( true )
    cin >> input;
    switch( input )
        case 0:
            // 0 - print all vehicles
            printVehicle(vehicle, totalVehicle, ' ');
        case 1:
            // 1 - print only vehicles manufactured for dealers
            printVehicle(vehicle, totalVehicle, 'D');
        case 2:
            // 2 - print only vehicles manufactured for individuals
            printVehicle(vehicle, totalVehicle, 'I');
        case 3:
            // 3 - print only vehicles with 4 cylinder engines
            printVehicle(vehicle, totalVehicle, '4');
        case 4:
            // 4 - print only vehicles with premium stereos
            printVehicle(vehicle, totalVehicle, 'P');
        case 5:
            // 5 - print only vehicles with leather seats
            printVehicle(vehicle, totalVehicle, 'L');
        case 6:
            // 6 - exit


 * Responsible for printing the Vehicle array of structs
 * @param vehicle: pointer pointing to the array of structs containing Vehicle data
 * @param totalVehicle: size of vehicle
void printVehicle(Vehicle *vehicle, int totalVehicle, char flags){

if(vehicle == NULL || totalVehicle < 1 )

cout << endl;
printHorizontalLine(85, '*');
printHorizontalLine(85, '*');
for(int i = 0; i < totalVehicle; i++)

    if( flags != ' ' )
        if( (flags == 'I' && vehicle[i].receiverFlag != 'I') || (flags == 'D' && vehicle[i].receiverFlag != 'D') || (flags == 'L' && vehicle[i].vehicleOptions.seatMaterial != "Leather") || (flags == '4' && vehicle[i].cylinder != 4) || (flags ==  'P' && vehicle[i].vehicleOptions.stereo != "Premium"))
            // skip roles which do not match roleFlag
    // filter - end

    cout.fill(' ');

    << left
    << setw(3)
    << i
    << left << setw(10)
    << vehicle[i].name
    << left << setw(3)
    << vehicle[i].cylinder

    << left << setw(10)
    << vehicle[i].trans
    << left
    << vehicle[i].manufDate.month << ':' << vehicle[i].manufDate.day << ':' << vehicle[i].manufDate.year
    << left << "\t"
    << vehicle[i].shipDate.month << ':' << vehicle[i].shipDate.day << ':' << vehicle[i].shipDate.year
    << "\t" ;

    //print options
    cout << left << setw(10)
    << vehicle[i].vehicleOptions.seatMaterial
    << left << setw(5)
    << vehicle[i].vehicleOptions.wheelSize
    << left << setw(10)
    << vehicle[i].vehicleOptions.stereo
    << left << setw(5) << vehicle[i].vehicleOptions.winterPackage;

    cout << left << setw(3) << vehicle[i].receiverFlag;

    if (vehicle[i].receiverFlag == 'D')
        cout << left << setw(7) << vehicle[i].deal_zip;
        cout << left << setw(3)
        << vehicle[i].ind_first << " " << vehicle[i].ind_last
        << "   "
        << vehicle[i].ind_address;

    cout << endl;
printHorizontalLine(85, '*');
printHorizontalLine(85, '*');
cout << endl;
cout << "0 - Print all vehicles" <<endl;
cout << "1 - Print only vehicles manufactured for dealers" << endl;
cout << "2 - Print only vehicles manufactured for individuals" << endl;
cout << "3 - Print only vehicles with 4 cylinder engines" << endl;
cout << "4 - Print only vehicles with premium stereos" << endl;
cout << "5 - Print only vehicles with leather seats" << endl;
cout << "6 - Exit: ";

 * Responsible for printing a horizontal line which consists of border_char     characters
 * @param width: count of border_char
 * @param border_char: width made out of characters
void printHorizontalLine( int width, char border_char )
cout.fill( border_char );
cout << setw( width ) << border_char << "\n";
cout.fill(' ');


(flags == 'L' && vehicle[i].vehicleOptions.seatMaterial != "Leather")
(flags ==  'P' && vehicle[i].vehicleOptions.stereo != "Premium")

以下是错误的全文:“程序入口点_ZNKSt7_cxx1112basic_stringlcSt11char_traitslcESalcEE7compareEPKc无法位于动态链接库C:\ Users \ Zach \ Documents \ College - 2017年春季\ CS 250 \分配1 \解决方案\车辆\ BIN \调试\ Vehicles.exe“

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

如果添加到路径不起作用但将 libstdc++-6.dll 放入程序文件夹中起作用,那么您可能与路径冲突,请尝试在环境变量中搜索带有 mingw-w64 的路径或类似,只留下一个。

例如,在我的例子中,我的电脑上安装了 Anacondamingw-w64,并且在环境变量 Anaconda 中有一个用于 mingw-w64 的二进制文件夹。 <块引用>


我删除了它,只留下 mingw-w64 二进制文件路径,我所有的 OpenCV 程序都可以正常运行。我希望这对某人有所帮助,问候!

答案 1 :(得分:0)


  1. 打开命令提示符
  3. 您还可以静态链接到libstdc ++。对于Code::Blocks,您可以查看this question


    g++ -c -o main.o main.cpp 
    g++ -o main.exe main.o -static-libstdc++

答案 2 :(得分:0)

同样的麻烦,并且已经设置了PATH。 我刚刚将libstdc ++-6.dll复制到了我的.exe文件夹中,并且可以正常工作