我的组件中有一个被动表单,我想在每个输入上设置set /A "COUNT=0"
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('
rem/ // List files that would be copied without `/L`; remove summary line: ^& ^
cd /D "C:\test1" ^&^& xcopy /L /R /D /I /S /Y "." "C:\test2" ^| find ".\"
') do (
rem // Check file extension of each file:
if /I not "%%~xF"==".txt" if /I not "%~xF"==".exe" (
rem // Create destination directory, hide potential error messages:
2> nul mkdir "C:\test2\%%~F\.."
rem // Actually copy file, hide summary line:
> nul copy /Y "C:\test1\%%~F" "C:\test2\%%~F" && (
rem // Return currently copied file:
set /A "COUNT+=1" & echo(%%~F
) || (
rem // Return message in case an error occurred:
>&2 echo ERROR: could not copy "%%~F"!
echo %COUNT% file^(s^) copied.
Cannot set property touched of #<AbstractControl> which has only a getter
如何将每个输入的addressForm: FormGroup;
this.addressForm = this._fb.group({
street: ["", [<any>Validators.required]],
city: ["", [<any>Validators.required]],
state: ["", [<any>Validators.required]],
zipCode: ["", [<any>Validators.required]],
country: ["", [<any>Validators.required]]
for (var key in this.addressForm.controls) {
this.addressForm.controls[key].touched = true;
答案 0 :(得分:0)