如何在C ++中写一个“if if else if ..”?

时间:2010-11-21 18:55:48

标签: c++ boost metaprogramming c++11 if-statement

我只是在学习C ++中元编程的基础知识,我认为看看其他人如何解决以下问题会很高兴。另外,看到使用Boost元编程库的解决方案会非常好,因为我认为它们对我来说是一个黑暗的角落。所以问题是,这可以更优雅地重写吗?


template <std::size_t size>
struct type_factory
  typedef typename type_factory_impl<size>::type type;

此结构应该typedef type,具体取决于size的值。 type_factory_impltype_factory的实施。用于确定type的算法是:

if(size % bits<unsigned long long>::value == 0)
  typedef unsigned long long type;
else if(size % bits<unsigned long>::value == 0)
  typedef unsigned long type;
else if(size % bits<unsigned int>::value == 0)
  typedef unsigned int type;
else if(size % bits<unsigned short int>::value == 0)
  typedef unsigned short int type;
else if(size % bits<unsigned char>::value == 0)
  typedef unsigned char type;
  static_assert(false, "The type should be multiple of 'unsigned char' size");

我已经用两种方式解决了这个元程序。第一个是直接使用模式匹配,第二个使用meta if-else。请考虑以下两种解决方案之间的通用代码:

#include <cstddef>
#include <climits>

typedef unsigned char      uchar;
typedef unsigned short int usint;
typedef unsigned int       uint;
typedef unsigned long      ulong;
typedef unsigned long long ulonglong;

// Returns how many bits in Unsigned_Type
template <typename Unsigned_Type>
struct bits
{ enum { value = sizeof(Unsigned_Type)*CHAR_BIT }; };

// struct type_factory_impl ...

template <std::size_t size>
struct type_factory
  typedef typename type_factory_impl<size>::type type;

int main()
  auto a = type_factory<8>::type(0);  // unsigned char
  auto b = type_factory<16>::type(0); // unsigned short int
  auto c = type_factory<24>::type(0); // unsigned char
  auto d = type_factory<32>::type(0); // unsigned long
  auto e = type_factory<40>::type(0); // unsigned char
  auto f = type_factory<48>::type(0); // unsigned short int
  auto g = type_factory<56>::type(0); // unsigned char
  auto h = type_factory<64>::type(0); // unsigned long long


template <bool is_uchar>
struct unsigned_char
  typedef unsigned char type;
     "error: size must be multiple of 'unsigned char' size"); 
template <>
struct unsigned_char <true>
{ typedef uchar type; };

template <bool is_usint, std::size_t size>
struct unsigned_short_int
{ typedef typename
   unsigned_char<size % bits<uchar>::value == 0>::type type; };
template <std::size_t size>
struct unsigned_short_int <true, size>
{ typedef usint type; };

template <bool is_uint, std::size_t size>
struct unsigned_int
{ typedef typename
   unsigned_short_int<size % bits<usint>::value == 0, size>::type type; };
template <std::size_t size>
struct unsigned_int <true, size>
{ typedef uint type; };

template <bool is_ulong, std::size_t size>
struct unsigned_long
{ typedef typename
   unsigned_int<size % bits<uint>::value == 0, size>::type type; };
template <std::size_t size>
struct unsigned_long <true, size>
{ typedef ulong type; };

template <bool is_ulonglong, std::size_t size>
struct unsigned_long_long
{ typedef typename 
   unsigned_long<size % bits<ulong>::value == 0, size>::type type; };
template <std::size_t size>
struct unsigned_long_long <true, size>
{ typedef ulonglong type; };

template <std::size_t size>
struct type_factory_impl
{ typedef typename 
   unsigned_long_long<size % bits<ulonglong>::value == 0, size>::type type; };


template <bool condition, typename Then, typename Else>
struct IF
{ typedef Else type; };
template <typename Then, typename Else>
struct IF <true, Then, Else>
{ typedef Then type; };

template <std::size_t size>
struct type_factory_impl
  typedef typename
    IF<size % bits<ulonglong>::value == 0, ulonglong,
      typename IF<size % bits<ulong>::value == 0, ulong,
        typename IF<size % bits<uint>::value == 0, uint,
          typename IF<size % bits<usint>::value == 0, usint,
            typename IF<size % bits<uchar>::value == 0, uchar, uchar>::type
    >::type type;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



typedef boost::mpl::vector
        unsigned long long,
        unsigned long,
        unsigned int,
        unsigned short,
        unsigned char
    > type_sequence;

template<std::size_t size>
struct predicate
    template<class T>
    struct apply {
        static const bool value = (size % bits<T>::value == 0);

template<std::size_t size>
struct type_factory_impl
    typedef typename boost::mpl::find_if
            typename predicate<size>::apply<boost::mpl::_1>
        >::type iterator_type;

    typedef typename boost::mpl::deref<iterator_type>::type type;


alt text


答案 1 :(得分:4)


template<size_t N>
struct lowest_bit
        lowest_bit_removed = N & (N-1),
        value = N ^ lowest_bit_removed

template<size_t size> struct type_factory_impl                  { typedef uchar     type; };
template<> struct type_factory_impl<sizeof(ushort)   *CHAR_BIT> { typedef ushort    type; };
template<> struct type_factory_impl<sizeof(uint)     *CHAR_BIT> { typedef uint      type; };
template<> struct type_factory_impl<sizeof(ulong)    *CHAR_BIT> { typedef ulong     type; };
template<> struct type_factory_impl<sizeof(ulonglong)*CHAR_BIT> { typedef ulonglong type; };

template<size_t size>
struct type_factory
    typedef typename type_factory_impl<lowest_bit<size>::value>::type type;