#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "search.h"
int main(void)
FILE *f = fopen("mistakes.txt", "w");
FILE *fPointer;
FILE *dictionary;
//int a,b;
char fname[20];
char wordcheck[45];
char worddict[45];
char dummy;
int i;
int notfound;
int k;
这是我正在使用的文件,包括包含单词的字典文件 我比较其他文本文件
///^below add text file to be read
fPointer = fopen("fname", "r");
dictionary = fopen("dictionary.txt","r");
if (f == NULL)
printf("Error oping file!\n");
while(fscanf(fPointer,"%s", wordcheck)!=EOF)// makes all characters lower case
{ // an array that contains the characters of the original word
char wordChars[1000];
int newwordlength = 0;
// loops through each character in a word
for (i=0; i < strlen(wordcheck); i++)
// makes all words lower cased
wordcheck[i] = tolower(wordcheck[i]);
// checks the word has these characters and increments newwordlength where the character is a letter
if (wordChars[i] != ','
&& wordChars[i] != '.'
&& wordChars[i] != '?'
&& wordChars[i] != '!'
&& wordChars[i] != ':')
{ // how long the word will be without these characters
// creates new character array with size newwordlength
char newWordChars[1000];
*I think my problem is in this part*
int currChar = 0;
**This is where i think my problem is as its not removing the the characters **
// loops through these characters and only adds non-punctuation characters to the new character array
for (k = 0; k < strlen(wordChars); k++)
if (wordChars[k] != ','
&& wordChars[k] != '.'
&& wordChars[k] != '?'
&& wordChars[k] != '!'
&& wordChars[k] != ':')
newWordChars[currChar] = wordChars[k];
while(fscanf(dictionary,"%s", worddict)!=EOF)
notfound = 1;
if(strcmp(wordcheck, worddict)==0)// compares strings//
printf("This word: %s is in the dictionary\n", wordcheck);
notfound = 0;
if(notfound == 1)
printf("%s is not in the dictionary\n", wordcheck);
const char *mistakes = "Write this to file";
fprintf(f, "Words not in the dictionary: %s\n", wordcheck);
printf("Your file has been checked. Please check your errors by typing mistakes.txt to view ");
return 0;