
时间:2017-02-22 08:42:11

标签: javascript object

我为一个小项目构建单页应用程序。我一直在尝试将API调用中的数据保存到对象中的电影数据库中。如果我在console.log对象,我可以看到它的所有属性和值。如果我在console.log中调用object.property,则返回' undefined'。这是代码:

from itertools import combinations_with_replacement as cwr
l1 = [1,2,3,4]
l2 = []

for i in range(0, 20):
    for j in list(cwr(l1,i)):
        if sum(j) < 20:
print l2

当我使用(() => { "use strict" /* Saving sections to variables --------------------------------------------------------------*/ const movieList = document.getElementsByClassName('movie_list')[0]; const movieSingle = document.getElementsByClassName('movie_single')[0]; /* All standard filters for displaying movies --------------------------------------------------------------*/ const allFilters = { trending: 'movie/popular', toplist: 'movie/top_rated', latest: 'movie/now_playing', upcoming: 'movie/upcoming' }; const allData = {}; /* Initialize app - Get al standard data and save it in object --------------------------------------------------------------*/ const app = { init() { getData(allFilters.trending, 'popular'); getData(allFilters.toplist, 'toplist'); getData(allFilters.latest, 'latest'); getData(allFilters.upcoming, 'upcoming'); this.startPage(); }, startPage() { window.location.hash = "trending"; } } /* Function for getting data from the API --------------------------------------------------------------*/ const getData = (filter, key) => { const request = new XMLHttpRequest(); const apiKey = '?api_key=xxx'; const getUrl = `https://api.themoviedb.org/3/${filter}${apiKey}`; request.open('GET', getUrl, true); request.onload = () => { if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400) { let data = JSON.parse(request.responseText); data.filter = key; cleanData.init(data); } else { window.location.hash = 'random'; } }; request.onerror = () => { console.error('Error'); }; request.send(); }; /* Check if the data is list or single, and clean up --------------------------------------------------------------*/ const cleanData = { init(originalData) { if (!originalData.results) { this.single(originalData); } else { allData[originalData.filter] = originalData; } }, list(data) { data.results.map(function(el) { el.backdrop_path = `https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500/${el.backdrop_path}`; }); let attributes = { movie_image: { src: function() { return this.backdrop_path; }, alt: function() { return this.title; } }, title_url: { href: function() { return `#movie/${this.id}/${this.title}`; } } } showList(data.results, attributes); }, single(data) { data.poster_path = `https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500/${data.poster_path}`; data.budget = formatCurrency(data.budget); data.revenue = formatCurrency(data.revenue); data.runtime = `${(data.runtime / 60).toFixed(1)} uur`; data.imdb_id = `http://www.imdb.com/title/${data.imdb_id}`; let attributes = { movie_image: { src: function() { return this.poster_path; }, alt: function() { return this.title; } }, imdb_url: { href: function() { return this.imdb_id } }, similar_url: { href: function() { return `#movie/${this.id}/${this.title}/similar` } } }; showSingle(data, attributes); } }; const showList = (cleanedData, attributes) => { movieList.classList.remove('hidden'); movieSingle.classList.add('hidden'); Transparency.render(movieList, cleanedData, attributes); }; const showSingle = (cleanedData, attributes) => { movieSingle.classList.remove('hidden'); movieList.classList.add('hidden'); Transparency.render(movieSingle, cleanedData, attributes); } const formatCurrency = amount => { amount = amount.toFixed(0).replace(/./g, function(c, i, a) { return i && c !== "." && ((a.length - i) % 3 === 0) ? '.' + c : c; }); return `€${amount},-`; }; app.init(); console.log(allData); // Returns object with 4 properties: trending, toplist, latest & upcoming. Each property is filled with 20 results (movies with data) from the API. console.log(allData.trending) // Returns 'undefined' (each property I've tried). console.log(allData['trending']) // Returns 'undefined' Object.keys(allData); // Returns an empty Array [] })(); 时,我看到4个属性,所有属性都填充了API的结果。但是当我console.log(allData)console.log(allData.trending)时,它会返回“未定义的”字样。在控制台中。有谁知道如何解决这个问题?

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