我尝试使用某种功能作为黄瓜的Scenario outline
feature("Features of mus client") {
scenario("GET message with mus client") {
Given("a Musin message")
val config: Properties = new Properties
config.put("method", "POST")
config.put("encoding", "UTF-8")
config.put("uri", "http://localhost:9083/musClient")
When("I make a request to f2e")
val response = HttpClientTest.request(config, createJSON(READ))
Then("The message it´s returned successfully")
assert(response != null)
scenario("POST message with mus client") {
Given("a Musin message")
val config: Properties = new Properties
config.put("method", "POST")
config.put("encoding", "UTF-8")
config.put("uri", "http://localhost:9083/musClient")
When("I make a request to f2e")
val response = HttpClientTest.request(config, createJSON(CREATE))
Then("The message it´s returned successfully")
assert(response != null)
中做到这一优雅和高效答案 0 :(得分:5)
而非黄瓜的人,黄瓜对我(ME)来说太多了,无法编写功能文件,然后回到scala / java文件并相应地更改。保留两个文件。我实际上玩scalatest
,cucumber java
可能更流畅。无论如何,到目前为止,我对所有的单元测试,元件测试和流量测试都很喜欢。[/ p>
scala cucumber
但是,您可能还希望property based testing仅用于更改,基于属性的检查在spock framework中非常流畅和可读。
在palatest中基于属性的检查看起来如下所示我在测试两个不同的输入参数。 (你需要class E2E extends FeatureSpec with GivenWhenThen {
feature("Features of mus client") {
Given("http config")
val config: Properties = new Properties(){{
put("method", "POST") //you are doing POST in both case by the way
put("encoding", "UTF-8")
put("uri", "http://localhost:9083/musClient")
scenario("GET message with mus client") {
When("I make a request to f2e")
val response = HttpClientTest.request(config, createJSON(READ))
Then("The message it´s returned successfully")
assert(response != null)
scenario("POST message with mus client") {
When("I make a request to f2e")
val response = HttpClientTest.request(config, createJSON(CREATE))
Then("The message it´s returned successfully")
assert(response != null)
import org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks._
class TestE2E extends FeatureSpec with GivenWhenThen {
val requestResponse =
("request", "response"),
( "GET", "GET-something"),
( "POST", "POST-something")
feature("testMe") {
forAll (requestResponse) { (givenRequestFromTable: String, expectedResponseFromTable: String) =>
scenario("for input " + givenRequestFromTable) {
When("input is " + givenRequestFromTable)
val output = testMe(input = givenRequestFromTable)
Then("responseFromTable has something appended to it")
assert(output == expectedResponseFromTable)
def testMe(input: String) : String = {
input + "-something"