castdrop ryan$ git push heroku master
Counting objects: 10905, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (5108/5108), done.
Writing objects: 100% (10905/10905), 11.89 MiB | 6.41 MiB/s, done.
Total 10905 (delta 4362), reused 10905 (delta 4362)
remote: Compressing source files... done.
remote: Building source:
remote: -----> Python app detected
remote: -----> Installing python-2.7.13
remote: -----> Noticed cffi. Bootstrapping libffi.
remote: $ pip install -r requirements.txt
remote: Collecting altgraph==0.10.2 (from -r /tmp/build_0a1d196bd08bbb874d8bde1a1990ff5f/requirements.txt (line 1))
remote: Downloading altgraph-0.10.2.tar.gz (481kB)
remote: Collecting bdist-mpkg==0.5.0 (from -r /tmp/build_0a1d196bd08bbb874d8bde1a1990ff5f/requirements.txt (line 2))
remote: Downloading bdist_mpkg-0.5.0.tar.gz
remote: Collecting bonjour-py==0.3 (from -r /tmp/build_0a1d196bd08bbb874d8bde1a1990ff5f/requirements.txt (line 3))
remote: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement bonjour-py==0.3 (from -r /tmp/build_0a1d196bd08bbb874d8bde1a1990ff5f/requirements.txt (line 3)) (from versions: )
remote: No matching distribution found for bonjour-py==0.3 (from -r /tmp/build_0a1d196bd08bbb874d8bde1a1990ff5f/requirements.txt (line 3))
remote: ! Push rejected, failed to compile Python app.
remote: ! Push failed
remote: Verifying deploy...
remote: ! Push rejected to floating-temple-76589.
To https://git.heroku.com/floating-temple-76589.git
! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://git.heroku.com/floating-temple-76589.git'
Ryans-MacBook-Air:castdrop ryan$ Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement bonjour-py==0.3