如何从babel处理的汇总包中删除use strict

时间:2017-02-21 21:50:59

标签: javascript gulp babeljs rollupjs


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

在输出选项中使用strict : false https://rollupjs.org/guide/en#command-line-reference

答案 1 :(得分:0)


答案 2 :(得分:0)

只需确保在配置输出对象中指定import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import plotly.graph_objects as go def get_data(): x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 10) y = np.linspace(-1, 1, 10) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) Z = np.array([[2.58677481, 3.22528864, 3.65334814, 3.86669336, 3.86399048, 3.64525411, 3.21186215, 2.56819809, 1.72989472, 0.78569291], [2.58677481, 3.22528864, 3.65334814, 3.86669336, 3.86399048, 3.64525411, 3.21186215, 2.56819809, 1.72989472, 0.78569291], [2.58677481, 3.22528864, 3.65334814, 3.86669336, 3.86399048, 3.64525411, 3.21186215, 2.56819809, 1.72989472, 0.78569291], [2.58677481, 3.22528864, 3.65334814, 3.86669336, 3.86399048, 3.64525411, 3.21186215, 2.56819809, 1.72989472, 0.78569291], [2.58677481, 3.22528864, 3.65334814, 3.86669336, 3.86399048, 3.64525411, 3.21186215, 2.56819809, 1.72989472, 0.78569291], [2.58677481, 3.22528864, 3.65334814, 3.86669336, 3.86399048, 3.64525411, 3.21186215, 2.56819809, 1.72989472, 0.78569291], [2.58677481, 3.22528864, 3.65334814, 3.86669336, 3.86399048, 3.64525411, 3.21186215, 2.56819809, 1.72989472, 0.78569291], [2.58677481, 3.22528864, 3.65334814, 3.86669336, 3.86399048, 3.64525411, 3.21186215, 2.56819809, 1.72989472, 0.78569291], [2.58677481, 3.22528864, 3.65334814, 3.86669336, 3.86399048, 3.64525411, 3.21186215, 2.56819809, 1.72989472, 0.78569291], [2.58677481, 3.22528864, 3.65334814, 3.86669336, 3.86399048, 3.64525411, 3.21186215, 2.56819809, 1.72989472, 0.78569291]]) return X, Y, Z # One-color arrows & arrowheads colorscale = [ [0, "rgb(84,48,5)"], [1, "rgb(84,48,5)"], ] X, Y, Z = get_data() data = { key: { "min": v.min(), "max": v.max(), "mid": (v.max() + v.min()) / 2, "range": v.max() - v.min(), } for (key, v) in dict(x=X, y=Y, z=Z).items() } def get_arrow(axisname="x"): # Create arrow body body = go.Scatter3d( marker=dict(size=1, color=colorscale[0][1]), line=dict(color=colorscale[0][1], width=3), showlegend=False, # hide the legend ) head = go.Cone( sizeref=0.1, autocolorscale=None, colorscale=colorscale, showscale=False, # disable additional colorscale for arrowheads hovertext=axisname, ) for ax, direction in zip(("x", "y", "z"), ("u", "v", "w")): if ax == axisname: body[ax] = data[ax]["min"], data[ax]["max"] head[ax] = [data[ax]["max"]] head[direction] = [1] else: body[ax] = data[ax]["mid"], data[ax]["mid"] head[ax] = [data[ax]["mid"]] head[direction] = [0] return [body, head] def add_axis_arrows(fig): for ax in ("x", "y", "z"): for item in get_arrow(ax): fig.add_trace(item) def get_annotation_for_ax(ax): d = dict(showarrow=False, text=ax, xanchor="left", font=dict(color="#1f1f1f")) for ax_ in ("x", "y", "z"): if ax_ == ax: d[ax_] = data[ax]["max"] - data[ax]["range"] * 0.05 else: d[ax_] = data[ax_]["mid"] if ax in {"x", "y"}: d["xshift"] = 15 return d def get_axis_names(): return [get_annotation_for_ax(ax) for ax in ("x", "y", "z")] def get_scene_axis(axisname="x"): return dict( title="", # remove axis label (x,y,z) showbackground=False, visible=True, showticklabels=False, # hide numeric values of axes showgrid=True, # Show box around plot gridcolor="grey", # Box color tickvals=[data[axisname]["min"], data[axisname]["max"]], # Set box limits range=[ data[axisname]["min"], data[axisname]["max"], ], # Prevent extra lines around box ) fig = go.Figure( data=[ go.Surface( z=Z, x=X, y=Y, opacity=0.6, showscale=False, # Set to True to show colorscale ), ], layout=dict( title="surface", autosize=True, width=700, height=500, margin=dict(l=20, r=20, b=25, t=25), scene=dict( xaxis=get_scene_axis("x"), yaxis=get_scene_axis("y"), zaxis=get_scene_axis("z"), annotations=get_axis_names(), ), ), ) add_axis_arrows(fig) fig.show()

strict: false

您可以在此处查看默认选项: https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#configuration-files