
时间:2017-02-21 19:20:16

标签: elasticsearch

我刚刚站起来一个3节点弹性搜索集群(3个节点是主节点和数据节点)和第4个节点上有弹性搜索/ kibana,但该节点上的elasticsearch实例有node.master: false,{{1 },node.data: false以便它充当负载均衡器。当我启动kibana时,我在控制台中得到了这个:

node.ingest: false

这是我的群集状态 log [19:04:18.112] [info][status][plugin:kibana@5.2.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready log [19:04:18.175] [info][status][plugin:elasticsearch@5.2.1] Status changed from uninitialized to yellow - Waiting for Elasticsearch log [19:04:18.203] [info][status][plugin:console@5.2.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready log [19:04:18.224] [error][status][plugin:elasticsearch@5.2.1] Status changed from yellow to red - Elasticsearch is still initializing the kibana index. log [19:04:18.360] [info][status][plugin:timelion@5.2.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready log [19:04:18.364] [info][listening] Server running at http://ipaddy:9051 log [19:04:18.366] [error][status][ui settings] Status changed from uninitialized to red - Elasticsearch plugin is red

curl -XGET 'http://node4:9050/_cluster/state?pretty'

这是我的群集健康{ "cluster_name" : "cluster_elastic", "version" : 10, "state_uuid" : "LaBEHRpOS6Wya5oBrEeK_g", "master_node" : "ogQmsoyDSRG_jZ25XHsrvQ", "blocks" : { }, "nodes" : { "fR8QvhMHTLCsF5r-2EwKIg" : { "name" : "node1", "ephemeral_id" : "PX8xN6kVSwmnApQcUdXJAA", "transport_address" : "node1:9300", "attributes" : { } }, "kqIzY8oIQuuy88WgsjjpYg" : { "name" : "node2", "ephemeral_id" : "hy2j_0omTRqZyhwsSjBd0Q", "transport_address" : "node2:9300", "attributes" : { } }, "VxLbvwf1SBK1S_IaO9qgWQ" : { "name" : "node3", "ephemeral_id" : "1yzEIm5xRUeJLZDGh2PkCw", "transport_address" : "node3:9300", "attributes" : { } }, "ogQmsoyDSRG_jZ25XHsrvQ" : { "name" : "node4", "ephemeral_id" : "9DUQ2jy5TpOQT1BShVuvjQ", "transport_address" : "node4:9300", "attributes" : { } } }, "metadata" : { "cluster_uuid" : "yIcz4aKiTyKfl49CXagevw", "templates" : { }, "indices" : { ".kibana" : { "state" : "open", "settings" : { "index" : { "creation_date" : "1487085174946", "number_of_shards" : "1", "number_of_replicas" : "1", "uuid" : "lDnD6bTESpCr6Wd5SxGIFg", "version" : { "created" : "5020099", "upgraded" : "5020199" }, "provided_name" : ".kibana" } }, "mappings" : { "index-pattern" : { "properties" : { "notExpandable" : { "type" : "boolean" }, "fieldFormatMap" : { "type" : "text" }, "sourceFilters" : { "type" : "text" }, "timeFieldName" : { "type" : "text" }, "intervalName" : { "type" : "text" }, "fields" : { "type" : "text" }, "title" : { "type" : "text" } } }, "config" : { "properties" : { "buildNum" : { "type" : "keyword" } } }, "server" : { "properties" : { "uuid" : { "type" : "keyword" } } } }, "aliases" : [ ], "primary_terms" : { "0" : 3 }, "in_sync_allocations" : { "0" : [ "baJSWiYsSXiFiNsN27Q-Qw" ] } } }, "index-graveyard" : { "tombstones" : [ { "index" : { "index_name" : "kafkajmxclient", "index_uuid" : "Uv-hsbg4QXuQGqdO-Al8LA" }, "delete_date_in_millis" : 1487704508081 } ] } }, "routing_table" : { "indices" : { ".kibana" : { "shards" : { "0" : [ { "state" : "UNASSIGNED", "primary" : true, "node" : null, "relocating_node" : null, "shard" : 0, "index" : ".kibana", "recovery_source" : { "type" : "EXISTING_STORE" }, "unassigned_info" : { "reason" : "DANGLING_INDEX_IMPORTED", "at" : "2017-02-21T18:38:00.405Z", "delayed" : false, "allocation_status" : "no_valid_shard_copy" } }, { "state" : "UNASSIGNED", "primary" : false, "node" : null, "relocating_node" : null, "shard" : 0, "index" : ".kibana", "recovery_source" : { "type" : "PEER" }, "unassigned_info" : { "reason" : "DANGLING_INDEX_IMPORTED", "at" : "2017-02-21T18:38:00.405Z", "delayed" : false, "allocation_status" : "no_attempt" } } ] } } } }, "routing_nodes" : { "unassigned" : [ { "state" : "UNASSIGNED", "primary" : true, "node" : null, "relocating_node" : null, "shard" : 0, "index" : ".kibana", "recovery_source" : { "type" : "EXISTING_STORE" }, "unassigned_info" : { "reason" : "DANGLING_INDEX_IMPORTED", "at" : "2017-02-21T18:38:00.405Z", "delayed" : false, "allocation_status" : "no_valid_shard_copy" } }, { "state" : "UNASSIGNED", "primary" : false, "node" : null, "relocating_node" : null, "shard" : 0, "index" : ".kibana", "recovery_source" : { "type" : "PEER" }, "unassigned_info" : { "reason" : "DANGLING_INDEX_IMPORTED", "at" : "2017-02-21T18:38:00.405Z", "delayed" : false, "allocation_status" : "no_attempt" } } ], "nodes" : { "kqIzY8oIQuuy88WgsjjpYg" : [ ], "ogQmsoyDSRG_jZ25XHsrvQ" : [ ], "fR8QvhMHTLCsF5r-2EwKIg" : [ ] } } }

curl -XGET 'http://node4:9050/_cluster/health?pretty'

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