如何让ASP.NET使用Owin OpenId Connect库创建经过身份验证的会话?

时间:2017-02-20 22:08:33

标签: c# asp.net authentication owin openid-connect


我正在尝试扩展现在使用表单身份验证的现有ASP.NET应用程序,以便它可以使用OpenID Connect进行身份验证以及来自身份提供程序的一些角色信息。特别是我正在与我无法控制的现有托管身份提供程序集成。

我正在使用ASP.NET MVC和OpenIdConnect的Owin组件。即,



  1. 在Web浏览器中 - 导航到使用[Authorize]属性
  2. 保护的控制器方法
  3. Owin组件正确地将我重定向到我可以进行身份​​验证的身份提供商,然后我被重定向回我的应用程序(注意:我的身份提供商要求传入redirect_uri,所以我目前将其设置为OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions启动配置的一部分。)
  4. 当重定向回到我的应用程序时,我能够看到access_token和id_token作为查询字符串的一部分。此外,我已经能够使用access_token调用用户信息端点并正确地使用该令牌导出有关用户的信息。
  5. 到目前为止一切顺利!但是。


    我从文档中得到的一般感觉是我不应该在Owin库中进行额外配置 - 一旦我将系统配置为使用cookie身份验证和OpenId Connect库 - 它应该只是工作。但是,这似乎并不像看起来那么容易。我猜我错过了什么。


    1. 我发现的许多示例都不需要在OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions中设置RedirectUri,但我的Identity Provider要求每次都设置此参数。
    2. 我发现的很少的例子解释了由于RedirectUri被击中而触发的控制器方法是应该用[授权]保护还是保持匿名。在我的测试中,如果我将其标记为[Authorize],我将进入无限重定向循环。如果我保持匿名,我可以在请求信息中看到令牌,但从未创建ASP.NET会话。例如,Request.IsAuthenticated始终为false。
    3. 作为测试,我在几个OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications()事件中设置了断点,目前我只看到我的代码进入RedirectToIdentityProvider事件,而其他人似乎没有 - 这让我相信我我没有正确配置。
    4. 根据我发现的建议,我已经在web.config中以这种方式设置了身份验证节点,但如果我排除此节点,它似乎没有什么区别。

          <authentication mode="None" />
    5. 总结:

      1. 我是否需要专门编写代码来处理从Identity Provider返回的重定向,以便为给定用户手动设置ASP.NET Session(cookie等)?和
      2. 如果是这样,此代码是否应该由于RedirectUri被命中而被调用的控制器方法,或者代码是否应该进入OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications()中可用的“通知”事件之一?
      3. 最后,如果我不应该在从身份提供商重定向后手动设置Authenticated会话(如果它应该自动工作),那么对此配置常见错误的任何建议?


        My Owin管道启动配置方法:

        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions());
                new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
                    //no problems on these as far as I can tell
                    ClientId = "client_id_string",
                    ClientSecret = "client_secret_string",
                    Authority = "url_to_identity_provider",
                    Scope = "email name etc",
                    //I'm properly redirected to this URL but not sure 
                    //if I should need to create the session manually
                    RedirectUri = "http://mymachine/mymvcapp/authorize",
                    //this causes the redirection to come with the access_token, 
                    //which is valid
                    ResponseType = "token",
                    SignInAsAuthenticationType = "Cookies",
                    Notifications = new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications()
                        RedirectToIdentityProvider = (context) =>
                            //I'm able to break into this method
                            return Task.FromResult(0);
                        MessageReceived = (context) =>
                            //doesn't seem to run this line
                            return Task.FromResult(0);
                        SecurityTokenReceived = (context) =>
                            //doesn't seem to run this line
                            return Task.FromResult(0);
                        SecurityTokenValidated = (context) =>
                            //doesn't seem to run this line
                            return Task.FromResult(0);
                        AuthorizationCodeReceived = (context) =>
                            //doesn't seem to run this line
                            return Task.FromResult(0);
                        AuthenticationFailed = (context) =>
                            //doesn't seem to run this line
                            return Task.FromResult(0);


        public class HomeController : Controller
            //I'm sent to the login flow the first time this is hit
            public ActionResult Index()
                return View();


        public class AuthorizeController : Controller
            // [Authorize] -- currently this Authorize attribute is turned off 
            //so the method is anonymous. 
            //If I turn that back on, I get infininte redirect loops to 
            //the Identity Provider
            public ActionResult Index()
                //the incoming request to this controller method from the 
                //identity provider DOES include valid access_token and id_token 
                //(which can be used against the user info endpoint) but does not 
                //create a valid ASP.NET session for my web app
                //Request.IsAuthenticated is always false
                //should there be a manual creation of the ASP.NET 
                //session/cookie information in this controller method?
                //note: to me it would make most sense if this attribute was not
                //anonymous since it's unlikely that the Request would ever appear
                //as IsAuthenticated == true, but if you read the entire question
                //it will be clear why I'm trying this method with anonymous access
                return View();

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

正如您所发现的那样,您不能在外部服务器用于通知您用户被授权的方法上放置[Authorize]属性 - 会话尚未获得授权,您只是被告知它< em>应该。

幸运的是,创建该会话并不困难: How can I manually create a authentication cookie instead of the default method?

(我很确定你必须自己使用基本的Microsoft Owin做的事情 - 如果你愿意,你总是可以自己做。)