C - select()似乎阻止超过超时

时间:2017-02-20 14:34:53

标签: c select raspberry-pi timeout preemption


  • 使用select()

  • 等待序列号
  • 读取串行数据(RS232为115200波特),

  • 时间戳(clock_gettime()),

  • 在SPI上读取ADC,

  • 解释它,

  • 通过另一个tty设备发送新数据

  • 循环并重复



数据应该每5ms到达一次,我的第一个select()超时计算为(5.5ms - 循环时间) - 应该是大约4ms。


检查时间戳显示select()块的持续时间超过超时(但仍然返回> 0)。 看起来select()在超时之前获取数据后会返回。

这可能在1000次重复中发生20次。 可能是什么原因?我该如何解决?

编辑: 这是代码的缩减版本(我做的错误比这更多!)

#include <bcm2835.h> /* for bcm2835_init(), bcm2835_close() */

int main(int argc, char **argv){

    int err = 0;

    /* Set real time priority SCHED_FIFO */
    struct sched_param sp;
    sp.sched_priority = 30;
    if ( pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(), SCHED_FIFO, &sp) ){
        err = 1;

    /* 5ms between samples on /dev/ttyUSB0 */
    int interval = 5;

    /* Setup tty devices with termios, both totally uncooked, 8 bit, odd parity, 1 stop bit, 115200baud */
    int fd_wc=setup_serial("/dev/ttyAMA0");
    int fd_sc=setup_serial("/dev/ttyUSB0");

    /* Setup GPIO for SPI, SPI mode, clock is ~1MHz which equates to more than 50ksps */

    int collecting = 1;

    struct timespec starttime;
    struct timespec time;
    struct timespec ftime;
    ftime.tv_nsec = 0;

    fd_set readfds;
    int countfd;
    struct timeval interval_timeout;
    struct timeval notime;

    uint16_t p1;
    float w1;

    uint8_t *datap = malloc(8);
    int data_size;
    char output[25];

    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &starttime);

    while ( !err && collecting ){   
        /* Set timeout to (5*1.2)ms - (looptime)ms, or 0 if looptime was longer than (5*1.2)ms */
        interval_timeout.tv_sec = 0;
        interval_timeout.tv_usec = interval * 1200 - ftime.tv_nsec / 1000;
        interval_timeout.tv_usec = (interval_timeout.tv_usec < 0)? 0 : interval_timeout.tv_usec;
        FD_SET(fd_wc, &readfds);    
        FD_SET(0, &readfds); /* so that we can quit, code not included */   
        if ( (countfd=select(fd_wc+1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &interval_timeout))<0 ){
            err = 1;
        } else if (countfd == 0){
            printf("Timeout on select()\n");
            err = 1;
        } else if (FD_ISSET(fd_wc, &readfds)){
            /* timestamp for when data is just available */
            clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &time)
            if (starttime.tv_nsec > time.tv_nsec){
                time.tv_nsec = 1000000000 + time.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec;
                time.tv_sec = time.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec - 1;
            } else {
                time.tv_nsec = time.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec;
                time.tv_sec = time.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec;

            /* get ADC value, which is sampled fast so corresponds to timestamp */
            p1 = getADCvalue();

            /* receive_frame, receiving is slower so do it after getting ADC value. It is timestamped anyway */
            /* This function consists of a loop that gets data from serial 1 byte at a time until a 'frame' is collected. */
            /* it uses select() with a very short timeout (enough for 1 byte at baudrate) just to check comms are still going */
            /* It never times out and behaves well */
            /* The interval_timeout is passed because it is used as a timeout for responding an ACK to the device */
            /* That select also never times out */
            ireceive_frame(&datap, fd_wc, &data_size, interval_timeout.tv_sec, interval_timeout.tv_usec);

            /* do stuff with it */
            /* This takes most of the time in the loop, about 1.3ms at 115200 baud */
            snprintf(output, 24, "%d.%04d,%d,%.2f\n", time.tv_sec, time.tv_nsec/100000, pressure, w1);
            write(fd_sc, output, strnlen(output, 23)); 

            /* Check how long the loop took (minus the polling select() that follows */ 
            clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ftime);
            if ((time.tv_nsec+starttime.tv_nsec) > ftime.tv_nsec){
                ftime.tv_nsec = 1000000000 + ftime.tv_nsec - time.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec;
                ftime.tv_sec = ftime.tv_sec - time.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec - 1;
            } else {
                ftime.tv_nsec = ftime.tv_nsec - time.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec;
                ftime.tv_sec = ftime.tv_sec - time.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec; 

            /* Poll with 0 timeout to check that data hasn't arrived before we're ready yet */
            FD_SET(fd_wc, &readfds);
            notime.tv_sec = 0;  
            notime.tv_usec = 0; 
            if ( !err && ( (countfd=select(fd_wc+1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &notime)) < 0 )){
                err = 1;
            } else if (countfd > 0){
                snprintf(output, 25, ",,,%d.%04d\n\n", ftime.tv_sec, ftime.tv_nsec/100000);
                write(fd_sc, output, strnlen(output, 24)); 



    return 0;




在这里,高达6.1922s一切正常。下一个样本是6.2063 - 最后一个14.1ms,但它没有超时,也没有从6.1922-6.2063的前一个循环捕获到轮询select()的超限。我的结论是最后一个循环是在接受采样时间,并选择在没有超时的情况下花费太长时间返回-10ms。

,,, 0.0010表示循环之后的循环时间(ftime) - 我应该真正检查出错时的循环时间。我明天会试试。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

传递给select的超时是一个粗略的下限 - select被允许延迟你的过程略多于此。特别是,如果进程被不同的进程(上下文切换)或内核中的中断处理抢占,则会延迟您的进程。



请注意,超时间隔将向上舍入为系统时钟   粒度和内核调度延迟意味着阻塞   间隔可能会少量超支。



实施可能   还限制了超时间隔的粒度。如果   请求的超时间隔要求比细粒度更精细   实现支持,实际的超时间隔应为   四舍五入到下一个支持的值。

在通用系统上避免这种情况很困难。您将获得合理的结果,特别是在多核系统上,将您的流程锁定在内存中(mlockall)并将流程设置为实时优先级(使用sched_setscheduler SCHED_FIFO ,并记得经常睡觉,让其他进程有机会运行)。

更难的方法是使用专用于运行实时代码的实时微控制器。有些人声称reliably sample at 20MHz on fairly cheap hardware使用了这种技术。

答案 1 :(得分:2)

如果struct timeval的值设置为零,那么select将不会阻塞,但如果超时参数是NULL指针,它将...


如果timeout参数不是NULL指针,则它指向struct timeval类型的对象,该对象指定最大间隔   等待选择完成。如果超时参数指向   struct timeval类型的对象,其成员为0,select()   不阻止。如果timeout参数是NULL指针,则select()   阻止,直到事件导致其中一个掩码返回   有效(非零)值或直到需要的信号发生   交付。如果时间限制在任何事件发生之前到期   会导致其中一个掩码被设置为非零值,select()   成功完成并返回0.

了解更多 here



首先 - 在评论中,有一个建议是将sleep()添加到你的工作循环中。这是一个很好的建议。虽然处理线程入口点,但 stated here 的原因仍然适用,因为您正在实例化一个连续循环。

第二个 - Linux select() 是一个具有有趣的实现历史的系统调用,因此从实现到实现有一系列不同的行为,有些这可能会导致您所看到的意外行为。我不确定Linux Arch Linux 的哪些主要血系来自,但 man7.org page for select() 包括以下两个部分,描述似乎描述了可能导致您遇到的延迟的条件。


Under Linux, select() may report a socket file descriptor as "ready   
for reading", while nevertheless a subsequent read blocks.  This could  
for example happen when data has arrived but upon examination has wrong  
checksum and is discarded.  


...Suppose the signal handler sets a global flag and returns.  Then a test  
of this global flag followed by a call of select() could hang indefinitely  
if the signal arrived just after the test but just before the call...   
