进行图像缩放以使图像限制在320x480,因此FILE_NAME = 'file.txt'
empty_line_count = 0
with open(FILE_NAME,'r') as fh:
for line in fh:
# The split method will split the word into list. if the line is
# empty the split will return an empty list. ' == [] ' this will
# check the list is empty or not.
if line.split() == []:
empty_line_count += 1
print('Empty Line Count : ' , empty_line_count)
< = 320且w
< = 640.但在转换为数据并向后转换为图像后,我得到两次最初的大图像。为什么?我怎么能避免?应该使用160x320尺寸来获得所需的尺寸吗?
(lldb)po newImage!.size▿(320.0,213.5) - 宽度:320.0 - 身高:213.5
(lldb)po image3!.size▿(640.0,427.0) - 宽度:640.0 - 身高:427.0