
时间:2017-02-19 10:30:44

标签: wordpress forms footer contact

我有一个相当奇怪的问题。 我为保险经纪人网站创建了3个表单,其中3个表单2使我的页脚宽度大幅缩小。我添加到表单中的唯一额外是一些css将文本字段并排。我删除了CSS,但问题仍然存在。我还复制了工作表单页面并更改了表单但是只要我缩小页脚就会缩小。






<h3 style="text-align: center; margin-top:50px;">Particulars of Insured</h3>

<label><h4>Broker Name and Branch:</h4>
    [text* broker-name-branch placeholder ""] </label>

<div class="clearfix">
    <div id="left"><label><h4>Policy Name:</h4>
[text* policy-name placeholder ""]</label></div>

<div id="right"><label><h4>Policy Number:</h4>
[text* policy-number placeholder ""]</label></div><br/><br/>

<label><h4>Occupation or type of Business:</h4>
    [text* occupation-business-type placeholder ""] </label>

<div class="clearfix">
    <div id="left"><label><h4>Email Address:</h4>
[email* email-address placeholder ""]</label></div>

<div id="right"><label><h4>ID Number:</h4>
[text* id-number placeholder ""]</label></div><br/><br/>

<div class="clearfix">
    <div id="left"><label><h4>Cellular Telephone Number:</h4>
[text* cell-number placeholder ""]</label></div>

<div id="right"><label><h4>Telephone Number:</h4>
[text* tel-number placeholder ""]</label></div><br/><br/>

<h3 style="text-align: center; margin-top:50px;">Loss or Damage Details</h3>

<label><h4>Date and Time of Loss/Damage:</h4>
    [text* loss-damage-date-time placeholder ""] </label>

<label><h4>When was the Loss/Damage Discovered?</h4>
    [text* loss-damage-discovered placeholder ""] </label>

<label><h4>Place where Loss/Damage Occured:</h4>
    [text* loss-damage-location placeholder ""] </label>

<label><h4>Were Premises Occupied, And by whom?</h4>
    [text* loss-damage-premises-occupied placeholder ""] </label>

<label><h4>If not Occupied, when were they last?</h4>
    [text* loss-damage-premises-last-occupied placeholder ""] </label>

<label><h4>Purpose of Occupation:</h4>
    [text* loss-damage-premises-occupation-purpose placeholder ""] </label>

<label><h4>Describle fully how Loss/Damage occurred, stating how (if applicable) entry was gained to the premises:</h4>
    [textarea* loss-damage-description placeholder ""] </label>

<label><h4>If Loss/Damage caused by another party, give name and address:</h4>
    [text* loss-damage-thirdparty placeholder ""] </label>

<label><h4>Have you previously suffered a Loss/Damage?</h4>
    [text* loss-damage-previously placeholder ""] </label>

<label><h4>if so, provide details:</h4>
    [text* loss-damage-previously-details placeholder ""] </label>

<label><h4>If Insured, provide name of Insurer:</h4>
    [text* loss-damage-insurer-name placeholder ""] </label>

<label><h4>Police Station:</h4>
    [text* loss-damage-police-station placeholder ""] </label>

<label><h4>Case Number:</h4>
    [text* loss-damage-police-case-number placeholder ""] </label>

<label><h4>Date Reported:</h4>
    [text* loss-damage-date-reported placeholder ""] </label>

<label><h4>Has any other party have an interest in the property insured?</h4>
    [text* loss-damage-party-interest placeholder ""] </label>

<label><h4>If so, provide details:</h4>
    [text* loss-damage-party-interest-details placeholder ""] </label>

<label><h4>If there any other Insurance covering this Loss/Damage?</h4>
    [text* loss-damage-other-insurance-cover placeholder ""] </label>

<label><h4>If so, Provide name of Insurer:</h4>
    [text loss-damage-other-insurance-cover-details placeholder ""] </label>

<label><h4>Estimated total value of all the property insured under the policy:</h4>
    [text loss-damage-estimated-value placeholder ""] </label>

<h3 style="text-align: center; margin-top:50px;">Payment Method</h3>
You may select, for added security, payment of any amount due to you directly into a bank account. Please specify the name, branch and account number. 
<label><h4>Name of Bank:</h4>
    [text loss-damage-bank-name placeholder ""] </label>

<label><h4>Name of Account:</h4>
    [text loss-damage-bankaccount-name placeholder ""] </label>

<div class="clearfix">
    <div id="left"><label><h4>Branch:</h4>
[text* loss-damage-bank-branch placeholder ""]</label></div>

<div id="right"><label><h4>Account Number:</h4>
[text* loss-damage-bank-account-number placeholder ""]</label></div><br/><br/>

<h3 style="text-align: center; margin-top:50px;">Declaration and Signature</h3>


We declare that we have suffered loss of or damage to the property enumerated on the list below and that the said property was in our possession immediately prior to the said loss/damage which occurred in the circumstances described above. 


We the undersigned, declare the aforegoing particulars to be true in every respect. We understand that if any part of the claim or if anyone else on our behalf uses fraudulent means or devices relating to the submission of this claim, of if the loss is because of a deliberate act on our part then we will not be entitled to any benefits or indemnification in terms of this claim. 


<label><h4>Name of Insured:</h4>
    [text loss-damage-insured-name placeholder ""] </label>

    [text loss-damage-signed-date placeholder ""] </label>

<h3 style="text-align: center; margin-top:50px;">Click to comfirm:</h3>

[submit "Send"]

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我检查了您的页面,我认为这是由于未正确完成您的HTML标记而发生的。请按CTRL + U检查这一点,有些标签未正确关闭。所以请检查HTML结构。


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