
时间:2010-11-20 09:53:23

标签: .net haskell f# functional-programming



// Binding. 
// We use a type defintion to apply a local dynamic optimization. 
// We automatically right-associate binding, i.e. push the continuations to the right.
// That is, bindG (bindG G1 cont1) cont2 --> bindG G1 (cont1 o cont2)
// This makes constructs such as the following linear rather than quadratic:
//  let rec rwalk n = { if n > 0 then 
//                         yield! rwalk (n-1)
//                         yield n }


let rec rwalk n = seq { if n > 0 then 
                         yield n
                         yield! rwalk (n-1)

let rec rwalk n = seq { if n > 0 then 
                         yield! rwalk (n-1)
                         yield n 

我发现第一个非常快,而第二个非常慢。如果n = 10000,我的机器上生成此序列需要3秒,因此是二次时间。


seq { yield! {1; 2; ...; n-1}; yield n }转换为

Seq.append {1; 2; ...; n-1} {n}

我猜这个追加操作应该是线性时间。在第一个代码中,追加操作是这样的:seq { yield n; yield! {n-1; n-2; ...; 1} },这需要花费一些时间。

代码中的注释表示它是linear(也许这个线性不是线性时间)。也许这个linear涉及使用自定义实现的序列而不是Moand / F#计算表达式(如F#规范中所述,但是规范没有提到这样做的原因......)。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)


for v in <expr> do yield v


假设rwalk函数生成[ 9; 2; 3; 7 ]。在第一次迭代中,递归生成的序列有4个元素,因此你将迭代4个元素并添加1.在递归调用中,你将迭代3个元素并添加1等。使用图表,你可以看看那是二次方的:

x x 
x x x
x x x x


尾部调用位置中,F#编译器/ librar执行优化。它用递归调用返回的当前IEnumerable“替换”,因此它不需要迭代它以生成所有元素 - 它只是返回(这也消除了内存成本)。 / p>

相关。 C#lanaugage设计中讨论了同样的问题,interesting paper about ityield!的名称为yield foreach)。< / p>

答案 1 :(得分:3)



open System.Collections
open System.Collections.Generic

type 'a nestedState = 
/// Nothing to yield
| Done 
/// Yield a single value before proceeding
| Val of 'a
/// Yield the results from a nested iterator before proceeding
| Enum of (unit -> 'a nestedState)
/// Yield just the results from a nested iterator
| Tail of (unit -> 'a nestedState)

type nestedSeq<'a>(ntor) =
  let getEnumerator() : IEnumerator<'a> =
    let stack = ref [ntor]
    let curr = ref Unchecked.defaultof<'a>
    let rec moveNext() =
      match !stack with
      | [] -> false
      | e::es as l -> 
          match e() with
          | Done -> stack := es; moveNext()  
          | Val(a) -> curr := a; true
          | Enum(e) -> stack := e :: l; moveNext()
          | Tail(e) -> stack := e :: es; moveNext()
    { new IEnumerator<'a> with
        member x.Current = !curr
      interface System.IDisposable with
        member x.Dispose() = () 
      interface IEnumerator with
        member x.MoveNext() = moveNext()
        member x.Current = box !curr
        member x.Reset() = failwith "Reset not supported" }
  member x.NestedEnumerator = ntor
  interface IEnumerable<'a> with
    member x.GetEnumerator() = getEnumerator()
  interface IEnumerable with
    member x.GetEnumerator() = upcast getEnumerator()

let getNestedEnumerator : 'a seq -> _ = function
| :? ('a nestedSeq) as n -> n.NestedEnumerator
| s -> 
    let e = s.GetEnumerator()
    fun () ->
      if e.MoveNext() then
        Val e.Current

let states (arr : Lazy<_[]>) = 
  let state = ref -1 
  nestedSeq (fun () -> incr state; arr.Value.[!state]) :> seq<_>

type SeqBuilder() = 
  member s.Yield(x) =  
    states (lazy [| Val x; Done |])
  member s.Combine(x:'a seq, y:'a seq) = 
    states (lazy [| Enum (getNestedEnumerator x); Tail (getNestedEnumerator y) |])
  member s.Zero() =  
    states (lazy [| Done |])
  member s.Delay(f) = 
    states (lazy [| Tail (f() |> getNestedEnumerator) |])
  member s.YieldFrom(x) = x 
  member s.Bind(x:'a seq, f) = 
    let e = x.GetEnumerator() 
    nestedSeq (fun () -> 
                 if e.MoveNext() then  
                   Enum (f e.Current |> getNestedEnumerator) 
                   Done) :> seq<_>

let seq = SeqBuilder()

let rec walkr n = seq { 
  if n > 0 then
    return! walkr (n-1)
    return n

let rec walkl n = seq {
  if n > 0 then
    return n
    return! walkl (n-1)

let time = 
  let watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
  walkr 10000 |> Seq.iter ignore


另请注意,这里存在时间空间权衡 - walkr n的嵌套迭代器将在O(n)时间内迭代序列,但它需要O(n)空间才能这样做。