如何在2D图上绘制$ \ alpha $置信区域?

时间:2017-02-18 04:16:36

标签: r plot contour confidence-interval

关于plotting confidence intervals,有很多答案。

我正在阅读Lourme A. et al (2016)的论文,我想从论文中提取90%的置信边界和10%的异常点,如图2所示:enter image description here

我无法使用LaTeX并插入带有置信区域定义的图片: enter image description here


n <- 1000 # length of sample
d <- 2    # dimension

# random vector with uniform margins on (0,1)
u1 <- runif(n, min = 0, max = 1)
u2 <- runif(n, min = 0, max = 1)

u = matrix(c(u1, u2), ncol=d)

Rg  <- cor(u)   # d-by-d correlation matrix
Rg1 <- ginv(Rg) # inv. matrix 

# round(Rg %*% Rg1, 8) # check

# the multivariate c.d.f of u is a Gaussian copula 
# with parameter Rg[1,2]=0.02876654

normal.cop = normalCopula(Rg[1,2], dim=d)
fit.cop    = fitCopula(normal.cop, u, method="itau") #fitting
# Rg.hat     = fit.cop@estimate[1]
# [1] 0.03097071
sim        = rCopula(n, normal.cop) # in (0,1)

# Taking the quantile function of N1(0, 1)

y1 <- qnorm(sim[,1], mean = 0, sd = 1)
y2 <- qnorm(sim[,2], mean = 0, sd = 1)


plot(y1, y2, col="red");  abline(v=mean(y1), h=mean(y2))
plot(sim[,1], sim[,2], col="blue")
hist(y1); hist(y2)

参考即可。 Lourme,A.,F。Maurer(2016)在风险管理框架中测试Gaussian和Student's t copulas。经济模型。

问题。有人可以帮助我并在等式中解释变量v=(v_1,...,v_d)G(v_1),..., G(v_d)吗?

我认为v是非随机矩阵,维度应为{k} 2 $(网格点)d=2(维度)。例如,

axis_x <- seq(0, 1, 0.1) # 11 grid points
axis_y <- seq(0, 1, 0.1) # 11 grid points
v <- expand.grid(axis_x, axis_y)
plot(v,  type = "p")

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


nu是一个简单的随机向量,它来自任何具有域(0,1)的分布。 (这里我使用均匀分布)。由于您希望样本为2D,因此单个nu可以是nu = runif(2)。鉴于上述解释,G是一个高斯pdf,其均值为0,协方差矩阵为Rg。 (Rg在2D中的尺寸为2x2)。

现在该段落的内容是:如果您有一个随机样本nu,并且您希望从Gamma得出它,并给出维度d和置信度alpha然后,您需要计算以下统计信息(G(nu) %*% Rg^-1) %*% G(nu)并检查其是否低于dalpha的Chi ^ 2分布的pdf。


# This is the copula parameter
Rg <- matrix(c(1,runif(2),1), ncol = 2)
# But we need to compute the inverse for sampling
Rginv <- MASS::ginv(Rg)

sampleResult <- replicate(10000, {
  # we draw our nu from uniform, but others that map to (0,1), e.g. beta, are possible, too
  nu <- runif(2)
  # we compute G(nu) which is a gaussian cdf on the sample
  Gnu <- qnorm(nu, mean = 0, sd = 1)
  # for this we compute the statistic as given in formula
  stat <- (Gnu %*% Rginv) %*% Gnu
  # and return the result
  list(nu = nu, Gnu = Gnu, stat = stat)

theSamples <- sapply(sampleResult["nu",], identity)

# this is the critical value of the Chi^2 with alpha = 0.95 and df = number of dimensions
# old and buggy threshold <- pchisq(0.95, df = 2)
# new and awesome - we are looking for the statistic at alpha = .95 quantile
threshold <- qchisq(0.95, df = 2)
# we can accept samples given the threshold (like in equation)
inArea <- sapply(sampleResult["stat",], identity) < threshold

plot(t(theSamples), col = as.integer(inArea)+1)


enter image description here

至于绘制决策边界,我认为它有点复杂,因为你需要计算nu的确切对,以便(Gnu %*% Rginv) %*% Gnu == pchisq(alpha, df = 2)。这是一个为Gnu解决的线性系统,然后应用反向以使nu处于决策边界。

编辑:再次阅读该段落,我注意到,Gnu的参数不会改变,只是Gnu <- qnorm(nu, mean = 0, sd = 1)

编辑:存在一个错误:对于阈值,您需要使用分位数函数qchisq而不是分发函数pchisq - 现在已在上面的代码中进行了更正(和更新了数字)。

答案 1 :(得分:1)



cop1 <- function(x)
    Gnu <- qnorm(x)
    Gnu %*% Rginv %*% Gnu

copula <- function(x)
    apply(x, 1, cop1)


Rg <- matrix(c(1,runif(2),1), ncol = 2)
Rginv <- MASS::ginv(Rg)

# draw the contour line where value == threshold
# define a grid of values first: avoid x and y = 0 and 1, where infinities exist
xlim <- 1e-3
delta <- 1e-3
xseq <- seq(xlim, 1-xlim, by=delta)
grid <- expand.grid(x=xseq, y=xseq)
prob.grid <- copula(grid)
threshold <- qchisq(0.95, df=2)

contour(x=xseq, y=xseq, z=matrix(prob.grid, nrow=length(xseq)), levels=threshold,
        col="grey", drawlabels=FALSE, lwd=2)

# add some points
data <- data.frame(x=runif(1000), y=runif(1000))
points(data, col=ifelse(copula(data) < threshold, "red", "black"))

enter image description here