$scope.addToCalRestaurantEvent = function() {
console.log(" calender event button hit ... ");
var icsObject = ics();
console.log("## pickupdate : ## " + $scope.completeBookingInfo.date);
//11/12/1987', '11/12/1987
//$scope.completeBookingInfo.date, $scope.completeBookingInfo.date
icsObject.addEvent('addRestaurantEvent', 'This is the best day to demonstrate a single event.',
'New York', '2/17/2017', '2/17/2017');
var downloadFileName = "addRestaurantEvent";
console.log("The addRestaurantEvent file downloaded ... ");
/* global saveAs, Blob, BlobBuilder, console */
/* exported ics */
var ics = function() {
'use strict';
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') > -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 10') == -1) {
console.log('Unsupported Browser');
var SEPARATOR = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Win') !== -1) ? '\r\n' : '\n';
var calendarEvents = [];
var calendarStart = [
var calendarEnd = SEPARATOR + 'END:VCALENDAR';
return {
* Returns events array
* @return {array} Events
'events': function() {
return calendarEvents;
* Returns calendar
* @return {string} Calendar in iCalendar format
'calendar': function() {
return calendarStart + SEPARATOR + calendarEvents.join(SEPARATOR) + calendarEnd;
* Add event to the calendar
* @param {string} subject Subject/Title of event
* @param {string} description Description of event
* @param {string} location Location of event
* @param {string} begin Beginning date of event
* @param {string} stop Ending date of event
'addEvent': function(subject, description, location, begin, stop) {
// I'm not in the mood to make these optional... So they are all required
if (typeof subject === 'undefined' ||
typeof description === 'undefined' ||
typeof location === 'undefined' ||
typeof begin === 'undefined' ||
typeof stop === 'undefined'
) {
return false;
//TODO add time and time zone? use moment to format?
var start_date = new Date(begin);
var end_date = new Date(stop);
var start_year = ("0000" + (start_date.getFullYear().toString())).slice(-4);
var start_month = ("00" + ((start_date.getMonth() + 1).toString())).slice(-2);
var start_day = ("00" + ((start_date.getDate()).toString())).slice(-2);
var start_hours = ("00" + (start_date.getHours().toString())).slice(-2);
var start_minutes = ("00" + (start_date.getMinutes().toString())).slice(-2);
var start_seconds = ("00" + (start_date.getMinutes().toString())).slice(-2);
var end_year = ("0000" + (end_date.getFullYear().toString())).slice(-4);
var end_month = ("00" + ((end_date.getMonth() + 1).toString())).slice(-2);
var end_day = ("00" + ((end_date.getDate()).toString())).slice(-2);
var end_hours = ("00" + (end_date.getHours().toString())).slice(-2);
var end_minutes = ("00" + (end_date.getMinutes().toString())).slice(-2);
var end_seconds = ("00" + (end_date.getMinutes().toString())).slice(-2);
// Since some calendars don't add 0 second events, we need to remove time if there is none...
var start_time = '';
var end_time = '';
if (start_minutes + start_seconds + end_minutes + end_seconds != 0) {
start_time = 'T' + start_hours + start_minutes + start_seconds;
end_time = 'T' + end_hours + end_minutes + end_seconds;
var start = start_year + start_month + start_day + start_time;
var end = end_year + end_month + end_day + end_time;
var calendarEvent = [
'DESCRIPTION:' + description,
'LOCATION:' + location,
'SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=en-us:' + subject,
return calendarEvent;
* Download calendar using the saveAs function from filesave.js
* @param {string} filename Filename
* @param {string} ext Extention
'download': function(filename, ext) {
if (calendarEvents.length < 1) {
return false;
ext = (typeof ext !== 'undefined') ? ext : '.ics';
filename = (typeof filename !== 'undefined') ? filename : 'calendar';
var calendar = calendarStart + SEPARATOR + calendarEvents.join(SEPARATOR) + calendarEnd;
var blob;
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 10') === -1) { // chrome or firefox
blob = new Blob([calendar]);
} else { // ie
var bb = new BlobBuilder();
blob = bb.getBlob('text/x-vCalendar;charset=' + document.characterSet);
saveAs(blob, filename + ext);
return calendar;