
时间:2017-02-16 22:46:39

标签: python python-3.x

对于某些背景:MasterMind®是由Mordechai Meirovitz在1970年代早期发明的代码破解游戏。在这个游戏中, 一个玩家 - 代码大师 - 负责生成由四种颜色序列组成的代码。一个 第二个玩家 - 代码破坏者 - 试图猜测代码。每次猜测后,代码大师提供 关于猜测的反馈。具体来说,代码主机将告诉代码断路器有多少颜色是正确的 以及有多少颜色处于正确的位置。代码破坏者继续猜测代码直到他们 能够成功破解代码。代码破坏者的“得分”是它需要休息的猜测次数 代码。


  1. 定义有效颜色。
  2. 使用有效颜色生成密码。
  3. 只要我还没有猜到代码:请用户猜测;更新猜测次数。确保猜测有效
  4. 确定正确颜色的数量
  5. 确定正确位置的数量
  6. 将此反馈提供给代码破坏程序
  7. 向用户报告最终得分
  8. 我只有自信地完成了第1步和第1步。 2.我的问题是我如何获得isValidGuess函数来确定只有validColors存在。正如现在所写,该函数没有包含validColors参数,我不完全确定原因。对于每个函数,都会简要说明函数应该做什么。


    import random 
    validColors = ["R", "G", "B", "Y", "O", "P"]
    def generateCode(validColors):
        #input: takes a string that represents validColors
        #action: builds a string of length 4; each character is picked at random
        #       from the validColors
        #return:  a string of length 4 representing the codemaster's secretCode
        secretCode = random.sample(validColors, 4)
        return secretCode
    def isValidGuess(guess, validColors):
        #input: guess and validColors as strings
        #action: ensures that the guess is the right length and only contains
        #       valids colors
        #return: boolean value to isValidGuess
        isValidGuess = False 
        if len(guess) != 4:
            print("Invalid, guess again.")
        elif len(guess) == 4:
            isValidGuess = True 
        return isValidGuess 
    #def correctLocationCount(secretCode, guess):
        #input: secretCode and guess as strings
        #action: character by character comparison of the two strings and
        #       updates a counter every time they match
        #return: the counter
    #def correctColorCount(secretCode, guess, validColors):
        #input: secretCode, guess, and valid colors as strings
        #action: looks at each valid color and counts how many times that color
        #       appears in the code and how many times it appears in the guess
        #       Compare these counts to determine how many colors were guessed
        #return: the count
    def masterMind():
         guess = input("What is your guess: ")
         result = isValidGuess(guess, validColors)
         while result == False:
            guess = input("What is your guess: ")
            result = isValidGuess(guess, validColors)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您可以检查code中的每种颜色是否也在validColors中。在Python中最惯用的方法是使用带有生成器表达式的内置all函数:all(color in validColors for color in guess)


for color in guess:
    if color not in validColors:
        # do whatever is appropriate for an invalid color here (e.g. return False)

您可能需要撤消当前isValidGuess变量的逻辑(默认为True,如果猜测无效,则重置为False)。或者你可以在发现无效的时候立即删除那个变量而只是return False(如果没有任何证据被取消资格,那么在函数末尾会return True。)


def isValidGuess(guess, validColors):
    valid_set = set(validColors) # if validColors was already a set this would be unnecessary
    guess_set = set(guess)
    return len(guess) == len(guess_set) == 4 and guess_set.issubset(valid_set)